
I know. I have a lot of questions too. Why do crocodiles and penguins basically walk the same even though one walks on four legs and one on two? Why are macarons and macaroons two different things? If evolution is real, why has my cat stayed the same the entire time I’ve had her? Why are bees dying and why are all

Oh good! I obviously didn’t listen to the piece but I have heard him speak plenty in the past and have always noticed how much he does it. I’m glad he owned up to it - I retract my side-eye!

Yes! I love how vocal fry is teh worst thing ever and omg ruining the millenials when women do it... but A-OK and “distinguished” and “distinctive” when men do it. (Joining you in giving Ira Glass some verrrry strong side-eye on this...)

This is one of the most bizarrely fascinating things to me about Dylan Roof - the abundance of these weird, posed photographs. They look like the pictures my friends and I used to take in middle school with disposable cameras where we’d try to be models and would “style” the photographs like “oh!! stand behind that

Now I know why the Wildlings keep talking about how pretty he is. So pouty and pretty!!

Oooh perfect! I would love a ruling on my recent ghosting scenario:

I think she has “Resting Snob Face” - she ALWAYS looks like she thinks she’s too good for whatever is going on around her.

Aw, I think that’s a sweet comment from J.K... I don’t think she’s displeased - I feel like that’s sort of the reaction I would have if my little brother decided to pose half (or more than half) naked for a magazine. “Awww I love you no matter what and more than anything but for God’s sake I have no need to see that

Nah, we’re six episodes into a ten episode season. This might just be a crappy season due to increasingly unmanageable source material, but I was really hoping the screenwriters would be able to tighten it up and make it move along. If they can turn it around in the next four episodes, I’ll be very impressed, but

Yeah good point. I guess the books were slower paced overall (because they were big long books) - I got used to nearly every episode of GoT being really exciting!! I could sort of skim the books when they got into a rut and I was sort of hoping the show would do the same. Instead of moving quickly past the dull parts,

I was a big fan of the books and the first couple seasons of the show. For me, the offensive/gratuitous parts of both the books and the shows were, for a long time, outweighed by the fact that the stories were really good and well done. Sadly, they no longer seem to have that counter-balance on the show of telling

As with every study involving undergrads as the test subjects... I wonder what effect their age / maturity has on the study results. I remember being very looks-driven in college but, depending on the content of the profile, might no longer consider the “beefcake” the true catch. Did their profiles indicate their

This is what helped me a lot too. Someone pointed out to me at one point that if you make the decision not to buy bad food, you only have to have will-power at the moment you’re in the grocery. If you buy it and swear to yourself that you’ll eat it only in reasonable portions as a treat, then you have an ongoing

Also “respect” is a noun but every other word on that girl is an adjective. COME ON PEOPLE.

I spent a while staring at the top image, trying to figure out which part of it was the real poster and which part had been photo-shopped (all the words? just the word ‘character’? just the word “ASS” written across her face?) because it seemed just too absurd for the whole thing to be real.

Yeah, I see a lot of folks posting the video on Facebook and talking about good parenting, and I want to point out to them that this video can be seen as a microcosm of the issues facing the community... a feeling (on the part of the young man) that the only way to make a point and “be heard” is through rioting, and

Agreed! At my house, we say, “The webs catch the DELICIOUSNESS”

Aw man, I thought you were about to bring up a thoughtful conversation about discrimination that the Roma face throughout Europe or the resurgence of anti-Semitism in various extreme groups. But sure, Italians and their sports cars, that sucks too.

I agree with the “no one under 35”. I vote for “no one under 60” - I want someone who has reached the point that they no longer care at all what anyone thinks. I agree with Maggie Smith and would also add Diana Rigg, Robert Redford, Patrick Stewart, Judi Dench, Julie Andrews, Harrison Ford and Robert De Niro. No

I have struggled with this, to be honest. I live in LA and have slowly been upgrading my hair care - I started going to a truly high-end salon about six months ago. I'm also a generous tipper and always default to a minimum of 20%. So, the first time I went to this place, my color was nearly $300 and the cut was