
I loved the concept of GoldieBlox when it first came out... but man, are they failing on execution. Their engineering thing was NOT fun - the girl-targeted LEGO sets are much better and more versatile - and now they have an "action figure", aka doll? Looks super lame.

Cara in that last picture = me always. Everyone else strikes a pose and I just sort of gaze at the camera like I'm not sure what's about to happen... except when I look aloof, I look bored and a bit sad; she looks gorgeous and fierce. Sigh.

I think it's coming across that way because that's how the media is portraying her. She has written quite a bit about why she is protesting against this and unfortunately that doesn't translate well into media hype - it is much more convenient to cast her as being self-important. However, just because the media is

Yeah, but locking people away in quarantine based on misinformation stokes public fears. Being open about when and how people are contagious, and making it clear to the public that they are very, very, very unlikely to become infected will help calm fears.

She's a nurse with two masters degrees from Johns Hopkins - one in nursing and one in public health. She's worked for the CDC and MSF. I think she qualifies as a "medical expert", and she is protesting the knee-jerk, paranoid reaction that is being implemented by politicians, not medical experts.

She's not. She's a friend of a friend, and is actually a really lovely, smart person. She has masters degrees from Johns Hopkins in public health and nursing, and has worked for the CDC - she is very well suited and knowledgeable to offer guidance about the appropriate response to a contagious virus, and she is

Out of curiosity, and sorry for being a bit intrusive, but how old were you both when you got married? This speaks right to a fear of mine about marriage - that my husband and I will change / grow in opposite directions and somehow develop irreconcilable differences... but I have told myself that people are less

Yes! I had the same question!! In both romantic and non-romantic relationships, I like people who are comfortable pushing back against my somewhat strong-willed personality. This has nothing to do with gender roles - I am an equal opportunity trampler - but I definitely know I could never marry someone who I could

Yeah amen to that. I lived right in the middle of Hollywood for a while (which I admit was my own fault) and I despised the bus tours and the open top van tours more than anything. How does anyone look themselves in the mirror the next day after spending money to get driven around, looking at the gates of celebrity


If I were married to Channing Tatum, I would also need to approve all his stripper dances. I would probably need to see them several times through before I could render a decision. Just once more, honey, I'm going to sit over here and see how it looks from this angle - then, I swear, I'll tell you if it's okay.

Ahh, this brings me back to when Jezebel was making fun of Amanda Bynes constantly for her erratic behavior, before swinging briefly over to being Very Concerned about Amanda and hoping she gets The Help She Needs. I guess that got boring.

Plus, even the fact that there ARE kids shows reeks of pandering. What makes kids so special that they should get shows that are all about them?! And "Nickelodeon"? They get their own CHANNEL now? Where's the channel aimed at adults?? Execs could be paying for GOOD shows that exclusively feature white men between the

Boob pockets = THE WORST. I didn't realize how terrible they are until I got over-excited about a shirt that happened to have them, and bought it in several colors before I realized how terrible boob pockets are.

Something very similar happened to me several months ago! Was crushing on a co-worker for ages and then didn't see him for a couple weeks... and then nope, nothing. No more crush. The funniest thing is that once I stopped crushing on him, it because very clear that he knew I had a thing for him and was very used to

A friend of mine recently got his high-end watch stolen out of his sock drawer when his house was broken into. Not a single person has asked him, "Why would you take the risk of storing something in a place that you thought to be secure [i.e. his own home] but turned out not to be??" This is the technological

The scoping out is the best. I used to have a cat who would go from room to room looking for my older cat to harass. He would check on top of every bed by standing up like that.

I felt this way when I changed jobs - the new job was better in every way except that I was giving up a really great boss. But it worked out great! My boss now is OK, not as great, but I stay in contact with my old boss and we get together once per month or so for lunch or drinks and she's really turned into more of a

I have a lot of questions about where my tax dollars are going, too! But my questions are more along the lines of "why are my tax dollars being used to fund never-ending war?" and "why aren't MORE of my tax dollars going to provide an effective healthcare system, both for veterans and everyone else in the country?"

I know! They did so many cool things. I used to put on an apron and then fill the pockets with birdseed and walk around the yard "feeding the chickens". I either learned that from Little House or Disney but either way, Mom was never happy to discover surprise birdseed in her kitchen apron.