Architeuthis Ex Machïna

I feel like I watched this show and forgot about it 5 years ago. Has it been on all this time? I liked it well enough, I’m not immune to Broken Lizard’s charms, I guess Ijust don’t skim past Tru TV much.

They are really dumping on Terry this season, and I don’t care for it.

I thought “AFI System” sounded very strange, too.  It’s always AFIS.

Paraphrasing a bit, but best line:

(you missed one)

I’m not loving how Terry’s become the chump lately. He was always the one Holt trusted most to keep the other yahoos in line, now Holt is constantly snippy with him.

It wasn’t bad by any means, but when there are so few episodes, I think spending half the episode in wild chase sequences is a poor use of time.  If there were still 20+ episodes per season and at least a chance of another season to come, this would have been fine, but I want more character development as the clock is

Don’t worry, I know Ahsoka shows up in Rebels. We are well past the statute on spoilers, if I was worried about that I would have watched it already.

Looking more closely at the slashfilm article, it says confirmed with two reliable sources, but no response from Disney or Dawson yet.

Mandalorian happens after the fall of the Empire, so between episodes 6 and 7 at least. I haven’t started Rebels yet, but it seems to take place during New hope or at least before Jedi.  I don’t know anything about Ahsoka’s race, but I see no reason to think she can’t live that long.

According to slashfilm, the casting is true.

I just watched Clone Wars because of the Mandalorian, and I think Ahsoka is great. I can’t believe they will bring her to the series, but I’m all for it.

I thought it was a “She faked her death” thing, but after seeing it written out and taking a minute to consider it, I got it.

Amy: “When did she record this?”
Rosa: “Judging by the flames around her, it could be a live stream.”
Holt: “Hehe. Very good, Rosa. Hehehehe.”

I know the others came and went and came back, but as unlikely as it would have been for the show, I would have liked season 4 to be more of season 3. Just Brockmire being an unlikely friend to Gabby, helping her raise a kid sometimes. I am hopeful that Gabby will at least make an appearance, but their friendship

Apocalyptic 2030? That’s too much, man!

Nerd, please!

John Carter of Mars was the best movie for at least the 10 years before and after it came out. I adore that movie. I believe the marketing tanked it, and it should have been called “Edgar Rice Burroughs’ “A Princess of Mars.”

She is really good on stage, when she was on Last Comic Standing the judges were very impressed by her, especially for her age.