Architeuthis Ex Machïna

Is it unbearably salty? I love the concept of the everything but the bagel seasoning, but it is mostly salt, which I’m not a big fan of.  

Well, that’s kind of disappointing, but I guess not that surprising.

I’ve never heard of the female GR but a scythe on a chain sells it for me. I’d watch it for sure.

At a basic level, I was opposed to the idea of a car-driving Ghost Rider, and those comics came around after my time, so I barely knew he existed, but the Agents of SHIELD arc and Luna’s performance sold me on it. I hope they find a way to bring him back...

It didn’t get good until the last episode, which isn’t good enough.  I wanted it to be better, but it absolutely deserved to be canceled.

It was a decent idea that was poorly executed until the final episode, by then it was too late. I wish it was better, but I don’t blame the network for tossing it out the window. I like Urban a lot, but he sucked, while Ealy lit up the screen.

I just want to say, you wrote that Kimmel “claimed” we called it “Traction Park,” but I can assure you we absolutely did. I never heard “Class Action Park” until right now, but it’s good.

My friend somehow got one of those formula one cars on top of a tree stump, just flat on it so the wheels didn’t touch the ground anymore. Now that you mention it, I do recall them trying to make him pay for it.

Cobie Smulders, Jake Johnson, and Michael Ealy? This show is going to have to be really, really bad to make me not watch it. They already had me with Smulders, but combined with Johnson and Ealy, that makes it much more exciting.

Don’t want to read spoilers, I’ll check back when I’m 8 again.

My mom and aunt are raisin racists, too. They prefer the golden ones because it is a nicer color in some baked goods, I couldn’t care less either way.

The only time I hate raisins is in raisin bran, because they overpromised on the 2 scoops and it became like eating gummy bears for breakfast. I eventually realized you can buy just bran, and that was my favorite cereal until I could no longer eat wheat.

I won’t eat them because I’m a chicken, but Trader Joe’s has a Ghost Pepper potato chip. Just invoking those words is enough to keep me away.

McDonald’s had a special nugget dipping sauce for the movie Mulan, which Rick ranted about in an episode. McDonald’s made a big deal about bringing the sauce back for a limited time because of the attention Rick and Morty got them, but had about 10 packets per store when there were people lined up outside for it.

Even though I was interested in Shadowrun- one of my friends found it when it was new and we played a bit- I did ignore the video game because it was online only, a thing I had no interest in at that time. I downloaded a demo of it years later, when no one was playing it, and it was a really impressive game.

All this has happened before, and will happen again.

Wow, some people really don’t like learning something if it gets in the way of their dick jokes, huh? The responses to your comment about the Peacock network, which is exactly what I came to say, are ridiculous.

Networks shouldn’t be allowed to own streaming services. They get the airwaves, they’ve had them for over half a century and have built fortunes on that gift, now they want all the money and are going to try to crush Netflix, who built this new market from scratch. I’m not paying NBC or CBS for tv until they