Architeuthis Ex Machïna

I love Ennio Morricone. When I heard the music in Kill Bill Vol 2, I was surprised how well they recreated the classic spaghetti western sound. Of course when I went to look for it, I learned it was actually Morricone, so not surprising at all how awesome it was. I found the clip of the scene on Youtube and it is an

2. You blinked, there was a black EMT wheeling Cliff into the ambulance!

I really liked Margo Robbie watching the movie and reacting to the audience’s enjoyment of her scenes.  Barely any words spoken, but acting for sure.

(It’s especially unsettling when you consider that Cliff’s already murdered once and gotten away with it, a tension that Tarantino just lets hang throughout the film.)

It made me think of Burn After Reading, too.  Just so directionless, which is harder to swallow from such talented film makers.

You could have completely removed all of the Sharon Tate scenes from the movie and lost nothing.  

I haven’t read a single thing about it online, but I saw it yesterday, and it is one of the most pointless movies I’ve ever seen.  Some good performances, but not much of a plot and no purpose.  Honestly, it was pretty much what I expected, and I wouldn’t have bothered to see it in the theater if my friend didn’t

NBC is a broadcast tv provider, I will watch their shit for free or not at all.  Same goes for CBS and whoever else tries to muscle in on this racket.

I figured as much, I was just kidding. I thought it was a decent movie, which is more than I can say about Last Jedi or the prequels. I mostly wish someone would make a Star Wars movie without trying so damn hard to remind us it is Star Wars at every opportunity. Hey, look, remember THE ICE CREAM MAKER!? Remember Han

I liked it, I was just being snarky :P

I’ll watch any Steve and Robin show. It could just be Clerks the series with them and it would be awesome, it doesn’t have to be X-Files.  Or, like Clerks meets X-Files/Supernatural.

Not so much fascinated by his douchiness, she wished she could get the girls he got. She wished she was him, in much the same way a nerdy unpopular boy would covet his popularity and chick magnetism.

Even Disney+ won’t air Solo.

If you can’t find the sticker for your vehicle, look it up on the internet.  The correct pressure for the car is not the same as the max pressure for the tire.

My only problem with Falcon being Cap is that you can’t possibly fly while holding a shield. Also, as much as I love Captain America throwing his shield with physics-defying ricochets(it’s one of the best things about any superhero), I don’t think Falcon should have any talent for it. He should use it as a shield, a

Ranch is probably the grossest thing that is widely popular.

Ward was a good character, and he had the look, but I’m glad he isn’t Taskmaster.

He does learn by watching VHS tapes of kung fu movies, so sure.

If Keanu becomes Taskmaster I’m going to cry tears of joy. Not only because he is awesome, but because it could mean Taskmaster would have a future after this movie.

Oh no! I love Taskmaster and have wanted to see him brought to life, but now that it’s happening I am afraid they won’t do it well.