
Do people think that is honestly the last we will see Meera?
Did Davos manage to put a seed of doubt into Messandie's mind?
Was there any point to the Stannis call-back when Davos corrected jon's "less" with "fewer"?
man, I hope Pod and Brienne have at least one more moment of glory.

Hot dang, Meera's exit ranks right up there with Stannis in terms of "oh, so that major, multi-season character is just . . . gone? For real?"
Was there anything behind Davos using Stannis's pet peeve of "fewer" rather than "less"?

Probably mentioned below but . . . did Cersei slip a finger up the bum during her BJ? Spot on.

Yeah, way to blasé about that for me.

I said it on the expert post, and I'll say it again here — how is the whole "Jon came back from THE DEAD" thing not having more traction? Why are they so scared of him going to Dragonstone? Dude has been stabbed in the back and brought back to life, by the very lady who is now at Dragonstone. He's probably pretty safe.

During the whole "is it safe for Jon to go see Dany" hall speech, I was expecting someone to remember that, hey, Jon has *literally* been stabbed in the back before, DIED, and still came back, so, you know, chances are good that he will walk out of the meeting more or less in one piece.

I was really hoping that Jessa's downward spiral would be better addressed. She looked ROUGH this episodes, the dark circles under her eyes, her quitting school, waiting for Shosh's party for hours — is she an Adam no longer a couple, did she go back to drugs, now that she — yet again — is facing the dark conclusion

Damnit, thank you. I'm so tired of seeing Lucas-hate just because he isn't instantly charmed by a creepy telekinetic girl who just so happened to appear in the exact same place and exact same time as his missing friend, who is suffering and afraid in an alternate dimension.

When did El save his life? He saved her life by using the radio to say the bad guys were coming.

I have no idea if she has an eating disorder, nor do I really care to venture a guess, but she has certainly lost weight since her Hannah Montana days, so maybe that's what the original poster was thinking about.

I don't know if she has an eating disorder, but in previous roles she appears to have weighed much more.

I don't know you, but instead I will say that I wish you well in your future watching adventures.

"Getting no reliable information from her emotions" is perhaps one of the best ways I've ever seen it summed up. Fabulous!

As someone with Bipolar II. I've enjoyed seeing my brain on TV, but Maria's "I'm a natural extrovert!" bit pretty much sums up . . . my entire life? It's freaking me out a little bit about how dead on everything is.

It would be nice if for once Hannah wasn't The Amazing Mary Sue in every aspect of her life.

Yeah, I didn't get that joke. I don't think she's that stupid or that out of touch, but on the flip side, he drove 1.5 hours to get you and then flipped his truck due to bad road head, so is she really THAT insensitive to make a joke at that point?

While this is a tangent, I 100% believe that true feminists do have a duty to deal with male problems/issues such as abuse and ability to consent. I am a through and through feminist, and I care about those issues.

I agree, and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

I agree that I think it's weird that anyone has argued that Jessa and Adam have nothing to feel bad for. Yes they do, and at the very least Jessa knows it. Adam has maybe convinced himself otherwise, but Jessa knows.

See, the teaching thing is where it really starts to get hard as to what we are supposed think about her teaching. From what we've been told, Hannah is a horrible, horrible teacher, but are we supposed to think she is good, or are we supposed to think she is horrible?