
The CW shows do a great job at movie easter eggs and quotes.

Marvel is ALWAYS having fun murdering people. They get so creative with the murder how else can you explain Iron Man tank missile. Captain America LOVES killing Nazis, it’s like his primary purpose in life. Coulson is smiling when he disintegrates people. Thor is like, sick murder, let’s go feast and drink.

Arrow teaming with Casey Jones is very meta. ;p

After Prometheus attacks Curtis (Echo Kellum), Oliver realizes Prometheus knows all of Team Arrow’s secret identities and is planning to come for them one by one. Felicity and Detective Malone (guest star Tyler Ritter) discover a clue that links Prometheus to Oliver’s past.

I don’t he knows how to use a computer.

Luckily enough the Trump immigration policy makes allowances for white lingerie models.

I pity the bag of bolts

If we’re rationalizing things like that, I can also say that Hydra would consider a vain, money loving surgeon a potentially controllable asset

Well the point of the algorithm in Winter Soldier is that it can predict who can be an enemy based on data gathered about you. IIRC the helicarriers were going to kill like a million people so I don’t think it was that picky

I read somewhere that they weren’t referring to War Machine, so I thought they meant the Hammertech pilot. Not that it needs to have a timeline, the guy could’ve been injured for years and just seeking out different treatments.

I get they tried to mitigate it, but it’s still lacking in dramatic weight because it seemed to come so quickly and effortlessly to him.

so do I and i am not even American, go team Earth

Hold on - did Chris Hemsworth just make an apology that wasn’t the usual ‘I’m sorry if anyone was offended’ non-apology we see so much of these days?

“Thanks Barry” - Sara Diggle

Romancing the Kidney Stone?

He had been instructed to try to turn/recruit her, and was offering to teach her. So he’s just going to kill her when she seems to stop and think? Riiiiigghht...

Every time I see something about someone on AoS meeting up with someone from their past, I immediately assume Grant Ward. I don’t care how nonsensical it is. It’s always Grant Ward.

XCOM is so good! How did that happen? A licensed board game of a (relatively) obscure video game? No way should thst be good. Never heard of tragedy looper but I shall investigate immediately.