
Matt Murdock Foggy Nelson or Jerry Hogarth cameo.

That needs to make it into the movie some how ...

That’s nice, but Deadpool wasn’t made on a blockbuster budget. It didn’t need international to turn a profit. A Deadpool sequel will be interesting to watch— how to heighten the spectacle and the stakes without ballooning the budget to where the Deadpool formula fails or it requires consideration of international

hah! Marvel should just use Cap as their representative of the MPAA ratings board in every move they make.

Show a boob and it’s like hell has come to earth, show a penis RUN FOR THE HILLS! The US ratings board really needs overhauling, in other countries there’s a more consistent process with options for appeals and specific rules. Being government organizations in some places like the UK, Canada and Australia puts the

1) Wrong.

Uh, Darth Vader was too in TFA.

Must. Hear. Details. Link?

I wonder if they would just make MASK a GI Joe spinoff like they did with the toyline a few years back.

The shows and movies are absolutely connected to one another. I don’t understand people’s obsession with every series needing to cross over with every other thing in every movie/season/etc... that’s not even how it works in the damn comics.

Or: Disney gives into people seeing a problem where it does not exist and stops selling a perfectly fine costume that any child of any race should be able to wear.

Hooray for reducing diversity in the costume aisles! White kids should stick to dressing up as white characters, as God intended.

I don’t really see how that’s ripping off Kingdom Come.

Also, those tabletop models are BANANAS in their detail. I’ve never gotten into that kind of gaming but I love looking at the models.

Yeah, Batman wins this one simply because he’s not the Frank Drebin of the Star Wars universe. lol

Remember that time Batman used his grappling hook, but it was damaged so he flew into the side of a building and fell into a pit to his death like a chump?

He’s Captain *America*... So his shield obeys the laws of physics as taught to American school students.

I would give my left kidney if they would finally reboot Reboot.

He was in Blade with almost no lines... a stereotype. :(