
The kind of swordfighting you see in movies and TV shows, where everything is graceful and balletic and entertaining, is fiction. Nobody ever fought like that. The real thing was messy.

To be fair to Fallon, it seemed like he was missing intentionally to allow Brosnan a sporting chance...

People use item as intended, saving it for emergency usage.

They get called jerks by Kotaku.

You could always get non-retarded jackasses as friends.

I tried something like this a long time ago with a different game: Counter Strike on PC. One of my friends sat at the keyboard, and I controlled the mouse. It was hilariously fun! I can't wait to try something similar in the new StarFox game!

I hope they include an online 4p co-op campaign mode that lets each person be a different member of the team. That would seal the deal for me.

Do you wanna build a robot?

Right, because everyone is on Twitter and it would be weird if he had just been absent, with no important news to announce to the world at large. I get that.

A Sui-slide, if you will.

Holy carp, that's amazing.

Huh, so this site is about cars, and these bat mobile articles are about the car itself? I don't follow your logic. Should they not include concept cars as well since those aren't real?

Wait just a minute...Mario Kart first came out 22 years ago?!?

First, I suggest that we only announce Street Fighter related topics on Tuesday, for obvious reasons.

"Aside from a few decent anime movies, Street Fighter's theatrical history is one to forget."

I could see Undertaker being an Assassin during the American Old West era. His gimmick is that he assassinates and puts them in their graves. Mini-games include panning for gold, hunting bears by using his signature Tombstone Piledriver move and killing as much bad guys as possible in order to expand his undertaking

Doctor Manhattan says hi.

Real talk: If they're indestructible, do they need armor? Men/women alike? They could just fly in with their junk hanging out or exposed.

Spiderman IS a bit of a douche because of his mad snarkiness.