
1) It's not the radiation that's hurting your vision. If it is, you have other more pressing problems to worry about.

I'm now waiting for the reveal that this movie will be made with the assistance of Brandon Laatsch from Rocket Jump - the guy who's fan-movie got blocked.

I think I agree with you, but I didn't finish reading your comment.

I was going to read this, but it looks really long so I'll read it later...

Let's just go ahead and change your post to "I don't like cruises and am not particularly interested in articles about them, but I clicked the link anyway and posted a snarky comment because I just can't resist trolling..."

Its in Fern Garden! Never knew this happened in the Philippines...

How cute, they really did the FF8 waltz. I like the idea they told everyone to come as any character they want to.

Game 5 of the 1956 World Series.


Check your: ears
For: quarters

Transformers: Return of the Forgotten Soldiers
Transformers: Song of the Last Cybertronians
Transformers: Transformation of the Transformed Transformers

Outsource it.

I've got a new Kickstarter I'm thinking of.

To be fair, modern Batman valentine cards are pretty awesome as well.

This is the Wii U's time to shine.

If the blade translates to "head cutter" I can imagine it being used to slice a persons throat from behind. With the blade being on the reverse side, you wouldnt have to turn the blade around and it will cut along the curve naturally.

Stop being the dumb spouse.

Logic trap.

@hewhoroams: You had to enter "up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-B-A" just before you were born.