
What about the loss of 50% of air traffic controllers? And even if one or both pilots survive, finding out passengers just inexplicably crumbled to dust would probably unnerve them enough to hinder their piloting abilities.

*Does not apply to all DCEU actors.

To be fair, I read that Feige went to bat for Gunn and voiced to higher ups that he be rehired.

If that figure is any indicator, I'd be down with an Obi-Wan spinoff movie starring Emilio Estevez as ol' Ben.

Crossover DLC? Yeah, let’s not do that. ...but a spin-off title though...

How about 12% of a plan?

Cap was bad which is why you haven’t seen it since

The MCU, alone, has too high a Chris per capita ratio.

On the one hand: wow, extra cool factor.

I apologize if I'm being a bit dense, but I don't understand. Is this a brand new pack, that hasn't been opened for over 2 decades? Or are these limited prints essentially "promo cards" manufactured for the event? 

As a parent, I *get* wanting to keep your child safe. On the other hand, if they asked me point blank if it’s ok that they just let their friends die if they could do something about it, I don’t think I could answer them with “maybe.”

The other guys made a mess of the place, someone’s gotta tidy up.

If she did leave the keys in the Sentra how did it go 2 weeks without getting stolen?

Separate controls for each limb? How hard can it be?

Money-grabbing is one thing. Being so short-sighted to be unable to see that they could be raking in SO MUCH MORE MONEY had they done things properly is an entirely different problem.

Nobody dies

guy-running-with-an-ice-cream-maker movie”

The line from the 1st Thor film about magic and science is often cited as the MCU taking a hard stance against mysticism. But you could interpret it differently. Thor doesn’t expressly say magic is just science. “What you call magic, we call science” could very well mean that Asguardians have magic down to a science.

Am I the only one triggered by “ALOT” (y’know, since we’re discussing language/syntax/grammar and the like)???

I read it as Cod Skin. So it could've been worse.