
The Chitauri invasion is the biggest threat either of the agents have faced up to that point. Barton’s thoughts wandering over to Budapest would imply that mission was the craziest one before that (i.e. pretty significant); so a prequel about that would be logical.

As much as I would love to see that, it might stick a bit too close to something DC’s done before.

Spider-man: Far From Home supposedly deals with a lot of fallout from Avengers 4 because it’s a road trip movie of Pete (and Dr. Strange) trying to get home after they’ve been reconstituted from dust and find themselves still stranded on Titan.

“Diggle’s daughter from the future”

Talking to myself, while assembling this set (probably):

I think 3 sets is the appropriate number in this situation.

You still need the genes to look like (Hancock-era) Will Smith.

You got a problem with fanny packs?

To someone who doesn’t speak Japanese Shonen Force sounds better to me.

On tablets, I believe the usual answer is ‘pass-and-play’ ...but if you’ll be throwing the game up on the big screen with the switch...

Honest question: why is it that when a kid (usually black) is shown to have a bright future after school, more often than not it’s because of his athletic prospects? Feels a bit too generic/stereotypical. Is this just lazy writing, or something else from a cultural aspect that I’m missing? (non-Caucasian, non-American

New?!? I’d bust a “get off my lawn!” if I didn’t agree with your other points :)

Figured it was CG like the dinos in Jurassic Park; because beepers do not exist anymore.

Actually, that’s what made me feel like CM is such a big deal.
Alien invasion? We got a Hulk.
Robot overlord? Just pull out the helicarrier.
Literal apocalypse? Gotta call in the big gun now.

Can’t quite place my finger on it, but this felt like reading a bad ending in a Choose Your Own Adventure book.

Puts it on? I haven’t seen Ryan Reynolds as himself in months. I’d prefer to believe that he doesn’t ever want to take the suit off, and wears it as often as possible.

Characters on the box art, top to bottom, left to right:

Haven’t even finished the lower quarter of the rankings when I saw Capt’s original 40's duds. This list is wrong.

But did anyone bother to ask “WHY!?!”?

Since they’ve acknowledge the existence of Kevin Bacon in the MCU, does that mean that he can no longer appear as anyone else other than himself?!?!?