
They can always just show it in IMAX...

NO TO COMEDY REBOO... wait, Pegg and Frost you say? Where do I sign up?

Can they CG in a young Sly and Ahnold as Bill and Lance?

Can we get some of the Defenders up in there? I mean Luke Cage was the leader of the Avengers at one point, no?

You might be worry but you need don’t because a word sense.

I have to question Spidey’s science cred if he chooses to travel indoors by web-swinging.

I’m surprised by the number of votes for Sim City. I love the game and all, but it doesn’t really strike me as a console game, nor that the SNES version is particularly popular.

I was hoping for the story to end with a beheading and someone shouting “there can be only one!” (with or without Connery showing up to reveal that he’s still alive).

Extremely surprising considering that the same rumor spread in my part of the world too (Southeast Asia - and balance of probability, you’re probably in America).

I doesn’t seem like each is/was aware of each other, and I totally agree with your point of Attillan having been a round longer and encountering more types of powers. I’m just saying that precognition is a rare enough ability that it would still take people off-guard.

Agents of SHIELD had Raina acquiring precognitive powers, and the higher-ups in the Inhuman sanctuary which have been there for generations called the power “unprecedented”, so there is at least some established basis for surprise at such an ability.


That’s a horrible thing to say!

I’d rather have a direct adaptation of a great game story if it means avoiding shit-shows like that Assassin’s Creed movie. (Also, it doesn’t hurt that I haven’t had a chance to play the new TR games. The audience base of these movies are much wider than the people who have actually played the game.)

I would actually be interested in watching a Kenobi movie with bits of Sir Guinness’ likeness superimposed on McGregor playing the character.

Can you imagine if the Punisher rode a taxi? He could accidentally leave all his weapons and ammo there.

The designers even sculpted the face with both McGregor and Alec Guinness in mind

It’s a game.

But how will I hate Minmei then?