
It should be made clearer that this is the expansion/sequel: Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures (which, yes, can be played even without having the original game), which was recently released.

hit a wild three in traffic at the death to on stomp Duke’s heart

Why does Deadpool have burritos? I mean I’m aware of his attachment to chimmichangas...but burritos?

A bigger shame is that this game has not been released in my part of the globe (currently only available in 39 countries).

That fuhst guy lacist plick. You lacist plick too.

They were left on Earth after that whole Westworld mishap.

Yeah, I tried to verify first if anyone else had pointed it out  before replying but couldn’t see anything. Like you, kinja was giving me a hard time.

Ah, well. Tried to verify first but didn’t see anything. I blame kinja. Didn’t mean to pile on.

Isn’t being victimized for someone else’s pirating enough?

The OP was the victim of whoever originally pirated the game.

Weh? OP wasn’t the pirater. He ended up with the pirates’ old unit.

The piraters sold the bricked unit, OP, unknowingly bought said unit, and is the one who ended up holding the bag.

I think knowing that Pi is a number and not food probably makes you smarter than 50% of the GOP.

So a deeper level of hell then. Hellception.

I found it flattering you thought I’m American though, my English must be pretty good then!

Often overlooked fact: despite his skills being immortalized in that moment, Daigo didn’t actually win the tournament that year (just clarifying since you asked “and won that Evo”).

But that just sounds like complaining about coaches with really great teams in pro-sports.

Fantasy Flight Games usually does a great job with its licenses. That being said, I wouldn’t call Xcom relatively obscure. Niche might be a better word. (Super nitpicky, I know)

Introducing the 2DS2!

Is it wrong for me to assume that save states exist on this thing because the new generation of players just are not used to playing games on hard mode?