
It won’t go on its own power, and you can’t pull it...maybe they found a way to push it to 89mph!

I honestly don’t know. Point remains, you can’t just physically mold it like that.

I dunno, I feel like (with no basis on my part whatsoever) they’re maybe going for some cultural ...thing... that I think we might be missing?

2 to 1 I’m betting you have asian genes. My wife gets ID checked some times, despite being 36.

Such a manly name.

So you’re saying the Glorious Leader will reveal DPRK’s very own Death Star soon with its own propaganda publicity shots?

In a universe where they can practically control the length and distance of a laserbeam, I think they can do something about the sharpness :D


If I star one or some of the comments, but not all, will that cause a paradox and break you out of your loop?

To be fair, I thought setting up Barriss as the perpetrator also sorta came out of left field.

That’s the other Winter Solider that Zemo secretly released.

Or they could follow up the LoT thread about Ra’s’ other daughter.

Also, in all of his scenes outside of the airport fight, he’s just chillin’ at home. No need to be over-dressed. IIRC, even the discussion/meeting with Secretary Ross is in the Avengers compound.

He travels back in time to live out his life as a CIA director in the early 21st century. That’s why Avery Bullock is so messed up.

Maybe I’m just bad with faces, but no matter how I try, I can’t reconcile his looks now with his appearance as Flash Thompson.

Ok, so they just have to show Barry mucking things up YET AGAIN to get this Black Lightning universe folded in.

Sadly, there are alot of them.

I didn’t dislike the Batman vs warehouse full of thugs scene in BvS, but I thought the Batman Begins fights were perfect illustrations of how the bad guys viewed Batman. To them, he was a myth, jumping out of the shadows, and even if he was standing in front of them, they couldn’t exactly tell HOW he was beating the

Hawkeye himself? After he gets booted out by the misus for reneging on his promise of “retirement”? I remember Jeremy Renner saying that he really liked Fraction’s run (unless I’m totally making that up).

Hmm... I’m with the others on this one. I don’t remember any scene with J’onn expressly dealing with M’gann being a white Martian. Maybe you’re mixing it with the League members showing that they knew about Artemis’ identity from the start? (It would be odd that both M’gann and Artemis would have the exact same setup,