That seems pretty restrictive. So no to every single dice game? Zombie Dice, VivaJava Dice, Marvel Dice Masters, etc.?
That seems pretty restrictive. So no to every single dice game? Zombie Dice, VivaJava Dice, Marvel Dice Masters, etc.?
Seems like my edits didn't stick. Yeah, numbered D8's could work. But then you'd have two options: modify the faces by yourself, which for most people won't look as good as the mass produced custom dice; or associate certain number with certain results, which adds an unnecessary step to results resolution.
If it's like the X-wing game, the odds in this game are based on 12.5% increments, so using a standard D6 kinda won't work.
If it's like the X-wing game, the odds in this game are based on 12.5% increments, so using a standard D6 kinda won't work.
Racing game :: Cars
I don't know if this has already been addressed, but that Soundwave is a Masterpiece verision. (sorry, couldn't help myself.)
What is this "friends" you speak of?
True, but if I were the one drafting the licensing agreement for the Mario Kart deal, I would place in an exclusivity clause which would prevent Nintendo from licensing its IP (particularly Mario Kart, but it could extend to other IPs) to other similarly competing toy types, which in this case, would be building toys.
True, but these would both be "building block" sets, as compared to generic toy licenses.
My guess is that the Japanese set looks like it belongs in the LEGO Architecture lineup, but cannot be included as such since it would have been approved under the LEGO Ideas line.
No offense if your username has any significance to you, but I read this and thought, "yes, at that point I would mask my eyes and clench my ass."
Not a lot you can do at 90 years old? Tell that to Christopher Lee!
Dark Forces 4: Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Outcast 2: Jedi Academy!
Sure, there's a certain degree of corny you can't escape with live-action Street Fighter, but whatever, this looks pretty good! It helps that, for once, they somehow found an actor who actually looks like Ken.
Man, that is the longest roller coaster ascent ever. Kinda takes away from being able to suspend one's disbelief.
Well, if you fused the first and the last characters on this list together, it would fold the list in half, and the very fabric of space-time would turn in on itself and implode.
Is it just me, or does the GIF make it look like they're doing some kind of super experimental tango?
I can't be the only one here who kept staring at the top image thinking: