
Dat Shao Kahn!

Not to say whose speculation is right or wrong, but I just wanted to say that if you think BTTF is a special effects driven movie, then you don't get what the movie's about.

Grapes. Apparently they can burst into flame and turn into a glowing ball of plasma gas

Even if an adult is there to help the kid up and to turn on the water, his/her arm still needs to reach the faucet. Sometimes, holding a child over the sink isn't gonna cut it.

He doesn't have parenting problems, perhaps? (or kids for that matter?)

I plan on writing something witty here but I don't think I can fini

Major collateral damage and no one dies?

Major collateral damage and no one dies?

I must've missed this special edition of FF8 which had Darth Vader and Ezio as playable characters and Captain America as an NPC.

Go ahead, knock yourself out... don't say I didn't warn you though :D

How about a MALE ZELDA?

At first I was like: "whaaaa?"

At first read I thought it said "Check: your eyes"

Any tabletop gaming (X-wing in particular) Kotaku-ers from the Philippines?

This is more for the movie franchise than game, but:

So I take it this (this thread, right here) is one form of socializing?

My first read through of your post was that your cousin died from sheer anger... then I realized you meant "in-game."

From now on, I shall refer to fireworks as "laser darts".

Would you say they are becoming

Nobody is forcing me to write this comment either!