
Oh, well then… thank goodness it's already Saturday where I am.

Honestly, if THIS version of the Batman jumped in front of me in an alley, I would shit myself on the spot.

I'm not trying to be funny here, but the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the pic on the left was

Why, with all the incarnations of the Horsemen, would you pick the one with Sid Vicious? :P

What happens when you put a high-powered rifle round through a PlayStation 4? Pretty much what you'd expect.

WTF! Spoiler warning bro!

Sashimi. And eyelid exercises.

I usually shoot RAW, but only find myself adjusting WB and exposure/brightness in post. Any recommended software for such a task? Preferably one that can do it in batches.

I suppose. They don't seem to serve any other purpose.

Thanks. I like how this explanation got more stars than the original comment :D

Yes, Mario just went all Hannibal Lecter on that poor goomba.

I only came to the comments to see if anyone else thought these looked like a Portal themed set.

Good lord, I've been using AnkiDroid (which is free) for a while now, and I've never really realized that the one for iOS is a premium app... a $25 premium app at that! What gives?

There are... other ways:

And people tell my wife she looks 16... does that make me a pedophile?!?

Whoop, I meant to reply to the other guy.

"Small business usually don't pay minimum wage"

Having not proceeded to your second sentence, I thought you meant "in real life."

For big businesses, sure they might be able to pony up. But increasing minimum wage f's up small business enterprises.
