
Should be submitted to

You know what's worse than rabid Christians? Rabid atheists. Religion wasn't even part of this article until you brought it up. Thanks (for giving other atheists a bad name)!

Fanatical atheism is a religion.

How dare you belittle the awesomeness of Jonathan Power and his cohorts! Get of the internet right now!

I've only seen the movie once, but didn't Fox say something like "We can sort this out, but it's going to take time."?

5 minutes, still laughing :) Thanks!

So just a problem with the top shelf but nothing wrong with the bottom 3? 75% perfect then.

"stotil" sounds like something orcs would say in Warcraft 2.

I can't decide which of your two posts is funnier.

Well, that's what's written on the sidebar under "Should you play this game?"

Gaddamitt Luke! Now I will be disappointed if Putin does not appear in any of the sequels.

Here, let me lend you my hands.

Or maybe they just didn't want to learn from someone who couldn't spell properly.

Don't you feel that some (for me, most) achievements artificially pad a games length? I mean, sure, I spent an extra 5 hours trying to get that last achievement, but the game plays exactly the same as the first 20 hours. Nothing new. I should want to play the game again and again, because it's fun. Not because the

I got this set month or so ago (also from amazon) at the awesome price of $45.

Well, considering your username, I would have expected much better from you :P

Ah, achievements. What I would do for the option to conceal them.

lol what are YOU talking about?

Supposedly Rachel was pissed off at Cyclops' choices during the Avengers vs. X-Men event that she decided to drop his surname.

Like the Star Trek clip shown on Conan?