Ken Watanabe! Because he totally rocked the role of head of a shadowy terrorist organization in Bat... oh wait, no he didn't. Maybe we should just cast Liam Neeson as the Mandarin! (I kid, I kid.)
Ken Watanabe! Because he totally rocked the role of head of a shadowy terrorist organization in Bat... oh wait, no he didn't. Maybe we should just cast Liam Neeson as the Mandarin! (I kid, I kid.)
Really? You can only accept a maximum of 50 gifts each day, regardless of number of friends. So for Spec Ops, you and one other friend can just spam gifts to each other for the needed isos.
So you're reading it that Pierce has an average of 23 drinks per film? In a 2 hour movie, that's roughly one martini every 5 minutes! Is this a film or a vodka commercial?
From the article:
That's one more shirt that Steve Jobs.
Gorramit! The aliens weren't prepared because Morgan Freeman said so! There's your deus ex machina!
Best of all, both are WB properties, so no legal issues!
IIRC, the original "irradiated spider" got that way via a freak accident, and dies after biting Peter Parker. That was written in the late 60s/early 70s (?) and still feels like a less messy scenario.
Unfortunately, that is the law in some areas. Even in the physical realm. You don't have to KNOW that an item you bought was stolen for you to be charged with fencing. Buyer beware and all that.
I read somewhere about how the existing MCU will have problems if it were connected to the established X-Men movie universe. The members of the Avengers were brought together because they were "remarkable" people. The existence of mutants in the MCU would negate that.
Can't get the video to play right now. I just read the write-up. I'll just attribute data transfer to "magic."
Or you could use cat meows as a ringtone. Then everyone will start looking under their seats for that darn stray. I've seen it happen.
Then? You'd still be answering the phone.
Being a king is not a profession; no work is involved.
I think it's a case of "the journey is more important than the destination." I mean, IF (and that's a pretty big if) you can block out of your memory everything that happened from Revenge of the Sith onwards, I think you would be good.
A decent prequel trilogy. (The 1999 movie "The Phantom Menace" and its sequels were Star Wars movies? Haha, no, but nice try.)
I prefer shorter, more direct to the point:
Now that you've mentioned it, why are so many mannequin arms posed/angled like that? It's like the mannequin is trying to, um... pleasure itself.
I thought this was street view for our oft flooded thoroughfares.