
Mental illnessses are already dismissed and mocked. Then add in racism and you get more untreated people. How many others did this nurse dismiss, they should review any deaths she may have caused as well.

“their bandwagon sycophantic fans (not the true Dubs fans”

One of life’s little pleasures is discovering the “Park” audio overlay on mlb tv and never having to hear a bunch of old farts complain about the shift (or anything else they don’t like) ever again.

And the kicker here is that none of these sanctimonious assholes were bothered enough to say anything about a human being calling someone a retard. Fuck.All.Of.them.

To Dumb and Angry (I really hope you get to read this):

He changed his pathway for the purpose of initiating contact. He is out 4 steps before he gets to the base. The fielder is a step and a half off the base. He runs inside the baseline, towards the fielder. He is not avoiding a tag or taking a more efficient route. He is looking to make contact with a fielder to benefit

i think toby needs a nap, or a juice box.

oh boo fucking hoo. All James Harden ever does is get bullshit calls his way, he’s done it his entire career, and in fact builds his whole game upon that.

The Warriors could’ve had Donaghy in their corner, but if you miss 27 3's in a row where threes are your first, second, and third options on offense, you’re gonna have a bad time.

This is really sad. Please stop.

I mean, there is an ethical argument to be made that tuition and fees shouldn’t be subsidizing collegiate athletics, but the cost of athletics isn’t really the reason why college costs have skyrocketed in the last 25 years or so. The reason college costs have ballooned is largely that states have absolutely gutted

I continue to believe pitchers should screw with batters’ timing as often as possible.

Also, (pushes up glasses) the next book isn’t an adventure, it’s just a content supplement with DM and player options. There’s no adventure in it.

Since 2015, there have been no open threats or tension between the West and Iran. In fact, Iran has been one of the key allies in fighting ISIS.

Catering? Do you mean exchanging goods and services? Like, capitalism? Why would Americans engage in capitalism? Seriously?

Because they have a population of over 81,000,000 people that would love to have the opportunity to buy our products and services? Because a non-hostile Iran is much, much better than an openly hostile Iran? Because they have a ton of oil, and hold great influence over the global supply and price?

No, this was destined since Trump won. He has been quite clear on his plan to undo anything Obama did, and continuing with the Iran deal would be an indirect admission Obama had done something worthwhile. And neither Trump nor his base can suffer such an idea.

Exactly, how do we know it wasn’t a reaction to a new med or if she was diabetic. I was almost arrested for DUI due to hypoglycemic event. I hadn’t any food in about 30 hours and just had water and coffee as i wasn’t feeling well, I passed out hit another car and burned out my clutch. After doing the tests and taking

Did no one on the flight bother to ask her, “Hey, are you feeling okay?” Not even her coworkers? That’s the strangest part of all—was she the only attendant on board? I thought they always had to have at least two.

Gorman also tweeted that police and an ambulance met the plane when it landed in Williston, N.D.