
Also, after the WH press corps soiled itself over Michelle Wolf calling Sarah Sanders a liar, Giulani just confirmed that, yes, she’s been lying to them for months. Do you think any of them will call her on it?

So, Trump is going to tweet in a few hours that Giuliani has never been his lawyer and he barely knows him, amirite?

But you are, moron. You’re conservative as fuck. We’ve seen all your posts.

God, all these Trumpets on here today.

In a sane world, Colbert would be too ashamed to even bring up his 2006 WHCD performance. It was one of the most awkward, halting comedic performances I’ve ever seen.

Stephen Colbert as a character on The Colbert Report was a caricature of Bill O’Reilly (on the show he would regularly refer to “Papa Bear” O’Reilly)

He means Bill O’Reilly.

Hot take (and I sincerely believe it):


This is about to become the new normal. Never forget hurricane Harvey. 69 inches over 10s of thousands of square miles.

Isn’t it funny that our politicians think that just because we voted them in, that gives them the right to make decisions like this that positively affect the (1%) affluent while screwing everyone else? It takes more than the 1% to vote you into office, so why is it so hard to help out the majority? Oh yeah, because

So all that salt usage is eroding the dome, bringing them ever closer to sea level...

Although this problem sucks, it’s solveable. Either build more levy or more the company elsewhere. I assume the Tobasco industry doens’t have an issue with making money, so they should be able to resolve the problem. Would be nice though if there was no problem to begin with.

The point being is development of energy, petroleum refining, exporting, petrochemicals manufacturing etc. etc. etc. is ramping up under Trump - where institutional stops or slowdowns to development are being brushed aside. This would be environmental impact study (EIS). Now that climate change and sea level rise as a

Formosa looks to be the opposite of Tabasco in every way:

Space is hostile to electronics. There is very little light. (Jupiter only gets 1/25 as much sunlight) Radiation can change your programming or reset a CPU, and even fry the pixels on the camera sensor. And the WiFi is slow as molasses, not to mention 1920000ms ping times. So the cameras and CPUs they send out there

I like the concept...a personal, pre-existing locker. With decent security (camera on access, access logs, etc. ) this could be super helpful in theory.

I mean, try to put a GoPro through that amount of radiation and try yo get the data via wifi from millions of km away. Yes it’s a shame we still can’t get HQ video from probes like this but it’s very impressive what we can do already.

I’m actually waaaaay more comfortable with the car version of this than the home version of this. Partly because unlike my house, everything valuable in my car is more or less bolted down and (if I need on star) lowjacked. So theft is pretty low on the list of concerns. Plus there will be no pets escaping, and I’m

Not everyone plays baseball.