
Nope. Conditioner isn’t oil. (Although there may be some oil in there as a “story ingredient”: something nifty-sounding that doesn’t do anything.) It’s things like polydimethylsiloxane, an organosilicon polymer that binds to hair like grim death, even when there’s shampoo sloshing around.

“Lather, rinse, repeat”: scam to make us use twice as much shampoo?

Mitch Hedberg already answered this.

That assumes that you will die and not wind up in some kind of semi-broken or vegetative state.

Sounds like they told legal to update the terms so they can make promotional material filming events, and legal decided to cover all their bases.

While being pretty positive this is a troll comment, I’ll bite: None of the examples you mentioned involves adding chemicals by the handful or producing something that is absolutely absent in nature. Cooking, pasteurizing, or using yeast to make cheese or bread is what nutritionists call basic processing — the other

I used to drink a lot of Diet Coke, maybe not as much as you if you’re actually being serious. After quitting soda completely I agree I didn’t feel all that different. However, once I started drinking it again for a few days, I kinda felt what is was like to be drinking it again. It might have been just the caffeine

Pretty sure the problem is that the rats order a bacon-double-quarter-pounder-with-cheese and extra large fries to go with their diet soda...

Worse, unless they line the whole road with these things, people will just jaywalk at places without crosswalk.

Absolutely. Any DA who goes through with charges on this should be hounded out of office, and the cops should be shamed for arresting them in the first place.

For christs sake, these laws exist to protect children from predators, not to ruin the lives of said f*cking children.

I can’t express how great it would be if it was Ron Effing Swanson.

Thought that was Ron Swanson for a second...

I still embarrass myself when trying to get to Dick’s Sporting Goods website.

And if you want *actual* raccoon girl porn, NOAA’s got you covered.

That’s called the Santorum.

Only Gawker Kids Will Remember This One!

Sorry you lost your image, I found one for you!

“Adriel Desautels, founder of penetration testing”