
I dunno, wasn’t it like a super-stealth armored helicopter that was way ahead of anything around at the time? Like, scifi for when it was made but now just kinda “meh” technology-wise?

I see mentions of fines of $1000 to $5000. I’m not a lawyer but I thought fines were collected by the government. No mention that this would go to the plaintiffs.

The only winners in a class action suit are the lawyers.
I’ve participated in two class action suits in the last few years. One was the Toyota / Takata settlement, the other was for an A/C evaporator.

Can’t wait for that check for $1.09 I’ll be getting in 2022.

Also the guy that John McClane shot THROUGH HIS OWN SHOULDER to kill at the end of Live Free or Die Hard.

He’s Seth Bullock. He’s Raylan Givens.

The world needs a talk show where Timothy Olyphant is always the guest and the host changes. I would be like the Jeopardy of talk shows.

Jalopnik always writes these articles explaining how loans work.

People know how loans work.

I don’t get all the negative reviews. I’m on episode 3 and it’s so much fun. It’s not “dark and gritty” but it’s twisted and the family members have complicated relationships but they’re a team, good at what they do and have some fun and cheesy perils to overcome. This is that perfect lighthearted Friday night space

Yes, please. It’s not everyday that we applaud big government.

The disease is very poorly understood and people who have it do not get pain from all injuries. The pain can be somewhat random. As such, while it is certainly possible she has it, it also makes it an excellent choice of diseases if you had to pick one to avoid certain methods of drug testing.

Um, how is he a hero when he drugged and raped young black women?! Because what you’re doing is prioritising the unearned reputation of a black man over the lives of black women.

What planet are you from? Be honest.

How much of a real hero was he (vs just the only representation around) though given a large part of his post Cosby show fame came from his trashing of ‘urban youths’ and his non threatening sweatshirt dad appearance.

Now I’m never going to get rid of this misbegotten ‘87 Ford Fiesta.

I agree in principle, but:

‘Im gonna go with the Swimming with sharks line....

The man is seven feet tall and got up two inches above the rim for the first time in a very long time. His toes almost dragged on that jump, get outta here!

The transmission mode must be a setting in the driver. I usually have mine set to F&F, but I like how this bus driver gets it done.