
Most research suggests that Serotonin has the central role in ejaculation. That is one reason why SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors) can have an negative effect on ejaculation in some people. SSRIs effectively increase serotonin in your body and as a result can prolong or inhibit ejaculation.

If they are smart they are. If you don’t actively defend your intellectual property, you can be deemed to have waived control or ownership of it. That’s why so many companies crack down on so many seemingly innocuous uses of their IP (e.g., an elementary school putting on a production of a Disney story). Personally, I

i mean, what do you want to hear? no they can’t physically stop you from blabbing about your pay. but they can fire you for any(non-illegal ...and “i didn’t like the office policy about discussing compensation” is not a protected class) reason... so roll the dice.

Disney goes after everybody for everything

I mean, they went after a daycare for having painted murals, so it’s not outside the realm of possibility.

If you’re discussing iit at the office, that’s workplace behavior.

That’s mostly governed by state law, so it can vary, but the general answer is “not internally.” Enforcement, however, is a different story.

Most important advice I ever give to anyone is sorely lacking here:

Oh? Isn’t economic communism where everybody benefits equally?

“Which, unless I’m missing my economic definitions, is effectively communism.” That’s not what communism is.

Could be New Orleans-specific household incomes, which is mentioned in the linked article

However, some commenters and posters on Facebook and Twitter are decrying the experiment, with a sample comment saying that “offering (or not offering) a choice to someone based on the color of their skin is racist.”

Might be why he was fired from the one dealership.

“audit the sales”

Arizona’s US Attorney seems to think it is wire fraud

Hey Sean. You suck at trolling BTW.

You’re literally replying to almost everyone in the comments. What’s your personal stake in this, jim? Disgruntled Arizona fan, or something more? If you have any information, feel free to email them at

Did you put the promo code in?

Did you put the promo code in?

Does your stereo have BT? In an era of streaming music and smartwatches, my phone doesn’t know what to do any more. In theory, you can’t be connected to this charger and another BT device at the same time.

Does your stereo have BT? In an era of streaming music and smartwatches, my phone doesn’t know what to do any more.