
I think the problem is, similar to Agents of Shield, that you get a kind of one way continuity. The movies are the big money spinners, so the TV shows want to point back and go, look we’re part of that, cause it brings in a bigger audience. But the movies don’t want to limit their audience by relying on them to know

“Because, as many viewers have pointed out, the nudity in Altered Carbon can be distracting.” - If that is the case you need to get out more, real life is full off nudity. It should not shock or distract you when you see it on film, like a 13 year old boys muttering boobies and snickering. Nudity swearing and blood

I’m a Warriors fan and been one for most of my 50 years. But who is the intended audience of this drivel? No one I knows who supports the Warriors would find it appealing and i’d venture that my kids and their friends would also be hard-pressed to find a reader. Does this shit exist for every team?

Lawyers won, everyone else got screwed. Thats how litigation truly works.

That’s how I see it too. Kinda looks like someone just rotated the image a couple of degrees.

They look different to me. In both examples, the right photo appears skewed to the right as I see it.

Sense or cheaper? A used car will always be cheaper (except for rare hard to get models). Cheaper 9 times out of 10 = sense.

Are you saying that technical people are widely known for their keen ability to pick up subtle social cues?

Seems much too loose. What if it’s not a date?

Yep, 20% is my baseline too. Move the decimal place, double it and round up to the nearest dollar.

I’m kind of surprised the figure is so low actually. I occasionally leave 30% tips for what I see as really good service without any intention of trying to be memorable (my standard tip is 20% rounding up to nearest dollar).

Funny, because the Spurs have won 5 titles in the last 20 years (same number as the Pats) and no one hates their fans or writes “bullshit articles about them”. Maybe because they’re not such smug assholes about it. I don’t remember the Bulls fans getting lit up either when they won 6 titles in 8 years.

Do you really think you’re a part of the Pats?

Probably, but it’s fun to imagine every hates LaVarr.

To your latter point; one could argue that he’s helping out a victim of child abuse

It isn’t entirely on the team, it is the general loathing of the avalanche of bandwagon fans that jump on winning team bandwagons. They tend to be the biggest, loudest assholes.

Don’t forget the part where they start cheating

“What now, that the Eagles have won the Super Bowl? We are in a brave new world of Eagles fandom, and I can’t wait to see what’s next.”