
They never actually say in the movies how Doc and Marty met the first time. So it is reasonable to assume that Marty was just interested/worked for him. But that’s not quite as fun, you know?

I had a hard time in 2008 - went through a divorce, apartment under water and I’m going broke trying to pay two mortgages, credit cards, etc. - basically trying to do the right thing.

I bet you’re the kind of person who walks into a McDonalds, refuses to order and loudly complains about how the food sucks.

Meh. Shit opinion.

Actually, the problem is more likely the conceptual management of data and real world physical items as being the same. It’s a good bet that the developers of the software and the idea managers of the software haven’t really worked in a retail situation. They may have done warehouse implementations and have had some

Animals can smell fear, when you are nervous, that makes them nervous. Is this supposed to be something new?

The whole point of BR2049 (and the original) is that you *shouldn’t* own friend (because replicants are people too)

The beatings will continue until moral improves!

Oh yeah: he couldn’t deal with the darkness of his own desires because... uh... he liked oral sex and facials. File under: plotlines made obsolete by pornhub.

I never understood complaints of whitewashing in Ghost in the Shell. Isn’t the whole point that their bodies don’t mirror and, in some cases, are only tenuously connected to, their mind and identity? I recall that being explicitly stated when I watched 20 years ago.

I get that I ruffled a feather somewhere, but come on. That’s a particularly low blow, not to mention utter nonsense (much like the article). I change my sheets, I wear clean socks, my bathrooms are inviting and sanitary. When was the last time you stuck your head in the washer before deciding if you’d stay the night

If you’re in the left lane, you had better be doing 80+ otherwise people are going to be pissed. 70 is a nice right lane speed here.

And if you don’t know where you’re going, pull the fuck off the road and figure it out. This is not a ‘wing it and see’ kind of city. You need to know which lane you’re aiming for IN ADVANCE. Our traffic and roads are too jacked up to be patient or accommodating to people who don’t know what they’re doing.

I came in for the Saints game on New Year’s last year and took an uber back to my hotel at 3:00am NYE and my driver did 90 miles an hour while blasting the entirety of “ATLiens”—it was the most ATL thing that’s ever happened to me and I loved it.

YES! So if you’re afraid of driving fast, don’t get on the highway. If you are lost, pull over. We do not have time for that out-of-town mess.

Thisssssss. People in Ohio will talk about their “traffic” or get mad at someone for speeding (72 mph) and I’m just like....thats cute.

People in this town drive fast. Very fast. If you’re not going to drive fast, GET OUT OF THE LEFT LANE. Oh, and leave early for wherever you’re going. Like really early. There is always traffic. Give yourself an extra 30 mins to whatever your gps or directions tell you is your ETA.

What the fuck? Why did you feel the need to bring up Fox news or the SOTU in this question about how to clean a dryer?

You never mention how to clean the dryer. It’s in the title.