
Something nobody in this thread mentions:

Not necessarily. It depends on your setup I guess but it’s much easier to hide cables from satellites to subwoofer than it would be to hide cables going from the front of the room to the back.

Not necessarily. It depends on your setup I guess but it’s much easier to hide cables from satellites to subwoofer

There is no fucking way you pay $750/month for “shitty” coverage. On the open market you could get a $120/month plan (low-premium, high-deductible). I understand hyperbole, but you’re being an ass.

Sorry but the health care act didnt create that situation, it actually slowed its arrival. Insurance rates actually grew 5% less per year after obamacare went into effect then it did in the 10 years before hand.

The max out-of-pocket (not deductible, which is generally muchlower) is $6,600 for an individual and $13,200 for a family. So you are lying.

Made up numbers look good, I guess.

Most of us know those numbers are complete bullshit. The maximum legal out of pocket expense on the shittiest, lowest tier plan is $6850. You can’t just blow shit out your ass and expect people to believe it without questioning because most of us aren’t Trump supporters.

Then you are dumb as fuck. Thanks for commenting.

If you’re an Olympic athlete, training for these games is your job, and competing in them is your life’s goal. Pointing out that the host country sucked at completing facilities shouldn’t mean that you therefore have to leave and give up.

I’d genuinely love to see your actual healthcare plan so we can all see how bad you’re trolling for attention.

Is that ObamaCare or your employer that is shafting you? Mine is only $200 a month out of my paycheck, large pool of PCPs to choose from and on top of the job take care of the deductible so I don’t have to pay anything out of pocket except copays...

Maybe just Maybe you did a shitty job of shopping for a healthcare plan?

How has all of this not result in some sort of federal crimes? Seems like there is at least conspiracy to commit something here.

Wait, I’m calling bullshit that you were able to get a Platinum Plan in the private marketplace for a family of 4 for $250. Unless of course you’re talking about BEFORE you started working as a contractor and your employer was paying for most of it.........

Something’s wrong, or you’re not doing enough to find coverage. I’m paying ~450 a month for wife and child for pretty good $500 deductible 80/20 plan.

You make $125,000 a year and are having trouble paying $750 per month? Learn to manage your money a little better.

It is a real problem that someone who nets more than $450,000/yr cannot afford better coverage

Or it could be his body is rejecting the graft in some way, or it could be that the nerves never grew back.... humans are incredibly complicated and ‘messy’ biological machines. It’s not surprising that sometimes things don’t work out as intended. Regardless, it is still a shame it happened to this fellow.

They don’t work, is my assumption.

Maybe it has something to do with that fact that they’re completely non-functional?