
You do realize that the $40 taster ovens are also “convection” ovens. Right?

You do realize that the $40 taster ovens are also “convection” ovens. Right?

This. Exactly this.

This. Exactly this.

Serious question... can someone explain to me why I should spend over a hundred bucks when I can buy essentially the same thing for $40? the only difference I can tell is that the $40 version simply uses a spring loaded egg timer to shut off, as opposed to a digital timer.

Serious question... can someone explain to me why I should spend over a hundred bucks when I can buy essentially the


You know... if they did this with the Lincoln commercials they would make more sense.

He even carried a sledge hammer into the scene.

Maybe, but those democrats are going to vote for Stein or Johnson. They’re sure as hell not going to vote for Trump.

As an Everton fan, I miss Skrtl playing for you guys as well. He was trash.

Two hundred and eighty nine dollars?!?

Two hundred and eighty nine dollars?!?

Unless you live in Florida, the hills are what they’re talking about. When going uphill the you’re going to need to increase the RPMs to maintain the same speed. Downhill, same speed less RPMs.

You mean the same kind of deception that he called out the NFL for doing?

Your comment is from the same ridiculous mindset of a) didn’t actually read the article, b) has an opinion, cherry picks only the relevant portions that in some convoluted way seem to support that opinion, c) mindlessly believes your opinion is factually correct and d) uses that combination of mentally deficient

1) The recidivism rate is a result of a massively complex social structure that involves classifying anybody with a criminal record as a second class citizen, a wildly irrational system of what is and what is not illegal, what crimes can be reduced to misdemeanors, and which can’t, and that’s not even considering the

So... by your definition two terrible parents are, by default, more qualified than one good one?

Define “very expensive”. I bought a 2010 Mustang when it had roughly 50k miles. All of their extended warranties gave me the mileage to 100k, at a cost of roughly 1k a year, up to three years. 3k is about the same as what you’d expect to pay for an extended warranty from Ford dealerships on the same vehicle new, and

Someone making 50k a year isn’t going to have enough cash on hand to put 60k grand down on property. That’s inherently ridiculous.

Demand, meet supply.

Seriously though, who the fuck does understand it? Seriously.

To be fair... I’ve made a couple thousand dollars in the last few years referring people to those recruiters. It’s not a huge amount, but getting a $500 check out of the blue is nice when it happens.