
Recruiters are sales people. Plain and simple.

Two things:

I’m sure you see the irony in the “eradicate these people” comment.

As a short term solution, yes. Which is where the inherent problem in the system lies.

I have one on my 2010. And it’s only a v6.

This is why our financial system is falling apart. Morons by the truckload.

You do realize that there’s more to it than that, right? I mean, let’s assume that you’re not a complete moron and acknowledge that this 1.5% has to come from somewhere. Either it’s coming out of your annual fees, or it’s coming out of fees paid by the retail vendor (where you spent the money). If it’s the former then

And yet after everything you’re still talking paycheck math and not 1040 math. Paycheck math is 100% decided by whatever your employer and their payroll software decides. And this is NOT the amount that you actually “pay” when you file your taxes.

Sorry boss, that’s still the paycheck math, and not the 1040 math. The 1040 math allows for deductions and additional allowances for things like retirement, hospital stays, interest on real estate, etc., which then reduce the overall tax rate well below the “max rate”.

The only way you’ll get close to a 50% tax is if you’re making well over 350k a year. And even then the income you earn that goes to taxes isn’t counted as taxable income, so it reduces your tax liability even further, driving the income required to hit the 50% mark even further.

You do realize that taxes are a necessary function of goverment, and that government is a necessary function of life as you know it.

What you said was so stupid it made the world’s average IQ drop by three points. And that was before you hit the send button.

His profit is coming from being a shill for the Republican facade. He was a very moderate mayor while he was in Charlotte. But as soon as the GOP latched onto him and showed him the limelight of the national stage he lost any semblance of reality. Now, he’s just a minor partner in the house that Koch built. The money

And my axe...

It has less to do with aesthetics and more to do with economics, mainly fuel economy. Aerodynamics alone suggests that the sedan is not as efficient as the post-90's rounded hatch, and being able to provide as much structural integrity with as little raw materials as possible make styling more of an afterthought than

There are multiple ways of being responsible with your money. Not all of them are reflected in credit scores.

The math behind “big purchases” is always tilted in the lender’s benefit. Buying a 300k house? Even with good credit you’re going to pay 100k in interest over those 30 years. An alternative is to rent something within your budget while saving up for a 75% down payment. Even with shitty credit you’ll come out ahead

I’ve been to Mt. Rainier on a day trip before. I played in the snow on the Summer Solstice. Didn’t even come close to needing any of that.

Don’t forget all of the tornadoes, earthquakes, forest fires and hurricanes.

The courts are limiting the freedom of the press.