
Same here. I just see a map that is mostly obscured by a link to download the now-non-existant app from the play store.

Show me one example of someone getting “locked up” for failing to pay the fine for not having health insurance.

Isn’t “until redline” just another way of saying “limiting the range"?

So let’s ignore the concept that you can 100% opt-out of the health insurance market in the US. In fact, there are two ways; pay a fee, or just plain leave the country.

You mean the employer subsidised insurance that you’very had for years now no longer helps because you’re no longer employed with someone who provides those same benefits? That has less to do with Obama or the ACA and more to do with your financial obliviousness.

And yet... you seem to find no faults at all with the insurance companies themselves for this.

Nobody is blaming “all of this” on one person. But it would still be nice to hold somebody accountable.

If you invest 3 grand for a year at 0.85% interest... you get a whopping 25 bucks.

Also missed: the first 19 years of his NBA career.

Yup. Definitely the alley. No way it could NOT be that.

Actually, I’d wager that it was the fact that they “marketed” their products to the younger buyer... but then made them so expensive that the younger buyer couldn’t afford them. The bare bones xB starts at 19 grand, with a typical configuration closer to 25. I still shudder at the thought of spending 25k on a car. My

It’s never as clear or as simple as that though. Because a criminal case has more severe punishments and a mostly binary result (guilty or not guilty) the requirement for what can and cannot be used is a bit more rigid. However, since a civil case will only cost you money, and that it could either cost a little or a

No... that’s definitely on-topic. Plus, being able to use the nicer model is the equivalent of eating Cheerios for those seven years... as opposed to Oaty O’s day after day after day.

It’s the other way around. The case *should* go forward until someone can provide a valid reason why it cannot. The Cosby team threw that up as a reason why it shouldn’t go forward, and the current judge said it wasn’t a good enough reason to stop the proceedings.

But DO you have a piece of paper that says Home Depot only paid $2.18 for it? Chances are you don’t, and you don’t go out of your way to find one before you go shopping for light bulbs. And you don’t pester the guy stocking the shelves to give you a better deal than what you can at the other Home Depot down the

I concur. Pics or GTFO.

Man I’d pay good money to get my XP laptop back up to spec. But the problem is that they’re never upgradable past a new HD, a bit of memory and maybe a handful of Mhz on the CPU. After five or so years there’s an entirely new style of processor and they’re not even using the same word to measure disk space.

The first thing that I think of when I hear “netbook” is “eye strain”. And there’s no amount of money that you could pay me to put up with that on a regular basis.

I’m in the 10 year club myself. My current laptop is about 5 years old, and I have no intention of replacing it in the next 5 years. My laptop before then was a Dell I bought in the 90s.

Counterpoint: a laptop with top of the line specs won’t be seriously outdated in a matter of months.