
That’s like saying you should thank the NCAA for the success of the Olympic Basketball team. Leagues and national teams have nothing to do with each other.

Not... exactly. The problem is that there are no apples to apples to compare with men’s and women’s soccer in the US.

As I mentioned earlier... I really doubt you’ve ever headed into the hardware store and said “I know you only paid $2.18 for this $4.00 light bulb. I’ll give you $2.10 for it.”

He may have haggled on a used Saturn, but the dealership would lose their franchise if they haggled on a new one. I’m not saying it didn’t happen. I’m just saying that nobody went from Saturn dealer to Saturn dealer cross-shopping on the same vehicle because of the policy.

Yes and no. The thing that Scion (and Saturn had before them) was that it was a rule across the board. You couldn’t go into one dealership to get a price quote and then use it to shop for the same vehicle at other dealers.

Ask to speak with the Office or Clinic Manager. They’re the ones in charge of personnel in the clinics. The scheduling aspect of your visit is typically done without any interaction by the doctors themselves.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with getting a second opinion. But keep in mind that an orthopedist is first and foremost a surgeon. They’re always going to look at problems with a “will surgery fix this?” mindset. If it’s something that you don’t think surgery is appropriate then I’d suggest looking to see if

Let’s also ignore the concept that some frogs can actually change from a male to a female. This was not just randomly dropped in there for shits and giggles.

I’m pretty sure the dude lives behind the movie theater.

+1 “but we’re not racists”

Perhaps you’re not getting the point. I thought it was pretty obvious, but I guess not so let me spell it out for you.

The current state of Pats Fandom: this dude straight up killed a guy and we still value his opinion more than we value the opinions of Pats fans.

You generalize too much. “These are the people with a 55" 4k tv.” So let me first call bullshit on that aspect of your argument.

AKA: They don’t judge based on tattoos. Neither should you.

No, it’s not my fault they have to live paycheck to paycheck. But as a whole it costs less for the government to just give them a paycheck (i.e. Social Security, EBT, WIC, whatever) than it does to fund programs that keep them from being homeless.

Perhaps you haven’t noticed that the cost of college tuition has skyrocketed lately.

Except when you RTFA and realize that she never actually rode the bike.

Depends on the age. It wasn’t that long ago that you could go to college with no high school diploma... or med school with no college degree.

Let’s just ignore the fact that you’re looking at sharpies for right now... or that you can’t tell the history of a person from the color of their skin... and just assume you’re right.

WTH is that contraption?!? I’m actually visibly concerned for the health of the users of that thing.