

Long story short: yes.

The last time I saw a quarterback that bad was... well... Delhomme, in the NFC Divisional game in 2008, on the very same field, against the Cardinals.

You can claim that it’s safer until you’re blue in the face. Nobody’s disagreeing with you. But the point is that snow tires for a couple of days every couple of years is simply not a rational investment. The safer bet is to just stay in and not travel out.

Except in DC it’s not normally all that cold. Hell, I’d be willing to wager that it’ll hit 60 degrees F within a week or three. Cold weather may come for a bit, but then it goes away for a couple of weeks, and then it comes back for a couple of weeks, and then it’s summer. So unless you’re planning on swapping tires

You’re 100% correct. But this is the internet, facts are not what’s important.

Let’s put it this way... there is no state budget from which to pay for this stuff. All of this snowpocalypse funding has to come directly from Congress.

So if it’s the religion that requires it then why does it matter what the DL photograph has in it?

So now different religions have different legal requirements?

You’re gonna need a bigger um... wire.

Just so I’m reading that right... every time anybody changes religion they have to declare that information to the government?

Survey Says:

Hello and welcome. You must be new here.

So much privilege to dispute. So little time.

Well duh. According to Catholicism the Pope is the only human that can have a direct conversation with God, who is, in essence, an unfathomable being waaaay up in the sky.

Very true. The problem with the legal system is that it’s made up entirely of humans.

+1 Chamberland

Not really though. It might seem like “so many cases” to you, but to each judge and each attorney there is only one case: the one they’re currently involved in.

I wouldn’t say “stupid people” in that scenario. She was probably informed that she could get some money, and all she had to do was talk to an attorney. Morality aside, any sane person would talk to that lawyer because, hey, free money.

A lot of the vehicles listed have Electric Power Steering, which clearly won’t work all that great if the car turns off.