
Excellent points.

Ugh... the Monty Hall Problem still pisses me off. It's not that the answer doesn't make sense (it's wrong btw, but the description makes sense), it's that it's unnecessarily turning statistics into a over-complicated over-saturated word problem with too much unnecessary calculus than what is needed to solve the

As a mid-30s male trying to raise an intelligent 5 year old daughter... I'm 100% pro-Frozen. It's obvious that Walt's empire took a few notes from Brave and made something that wasn't just another wishy-washy princess does something stupid and the prince saves the day just by showing up sort of thing.

And congrats to you on not being able to take a joke.

Wait... which one of the dilemmas he listed was false and didn't actually happen in the last twelve months?

Technically... they practice in South Carolina. But that's neither here nor there.

a) is poorly uninformed. Here is the actual wording of the rules.

denying an obvious goalscoring opportunity to an opponent moving towards the player’s goal by an offence punishable by a free kick or a penalty kick

I love all of these "explanations" by people who've never actually read the rules of the game. Or at best, read them years ago and haven't bothered to re-read them since they were updated a couple dozen times in the last handful of years.

HAhahaha... "accuracy" in ratios?!? The whole point of statistics is that they're used when accuracy isn't certain. And here you expect someone to use "accurate ratios"?!?

When in doubt, always bet on the combination of stupid people and/or assholes being the root of the problem.

You keep using the word "unlikely", but then seem to disagree with ratios. You can't argue both sides of statistics. You can't say it's unlikely and then in the same breath say that you can't use ratios or statistics.

Is there like a filter I can get to keep all of CaptainJack's asinine rants out of this discussion?

You say "not likely" as if there were a zero chance of it happening. Even if it was a ten million to one chance of it happening, with 313 million people in the US then that means that it's happening at least 31 times.

Nobody posts shit directly to the front page, I think you know that. You're using a service that is funded by the traffic generated by the people you claim to hate.

Depending on where they spot the ball, you normally line up to guard near post but give yourself enough space to at least have a chance at a ball towards far post. With a wall and at that angle you're not really going to end up anywhere that's not behind the wall though.

I've rewritten this at least four times trying to think of a nice way of putting this.

You apparently only see that once you've logged into Imgur. I've never seen that, but I only lurk.

It's also just very weird that you're all about jumping on the anti-karma bandwagon, when you're a subscriber to a site that would ultimately fall apart if people stopped sharing. Seriously, Reddit, as well as Imgur and

"Sweep the legs!"

No, I didn't see a single run in the video hit 15 yards. Although, truth be told, I had to stop watching after about the third one since it was already obvious that all you had to do was hit him in the legs and he went down pretty easy.