
Spoken like someone who has an account and uses it regularly.

This was found on Imgur... not Reddit. Imgur doesn't have karma, or anything like that.

You're doing a great job of demonstrating my point. Let me spell it out in egregious detail for you.

Geez dude, talk about missing the point.

As much as I agree with the "just don't poke your Playstation" as a good rule of thumb... this still sorta feels like "you're holding it wrong."

Well, I read a nifty quote somewhere that said "Take only photographs, leave only footprints."

For some ungodly reason, I read that as Volunteer Police Department. And just imagined 160,000 people driving around like they owned the place.

Sadly, my first thought was "whoa, how can I get that gig?"

It does? Remind me again which law states this? Perhaps the people at VMI simply aren't aware of this. Do you need me to get their contact info for you so you can alert them? I think Dan Rather's on Gawker every now and then, you might want to hop over there to alert him too.

To be fair, I studied Philosophy in college and wasn't required to go into the promising field of Philosophy.

Not sure how this is any different.

You were the one that took the primary concepts of "control" and "distance" and threw them out of the window. If you're going to do that you might as well take every other concept out of the definition as well.

So what you're saying is that the "vast majority" of the time Redick does NOT drive the lane. Fine. That in and of itself means that the statement "this proves that LeBron has changed the game" does not hold water.

"Here's your weekly pee in a cup test. Normal procedure, you know."
/avidly scribbles in notebook as to whether the patient sits or stands

Did the Wright brothers use a catapault? Yes... in Ohio eight months after the December 17th flight. The used a metal rail in Kitty Hawk, mainly because something called a "runway" hadn't been invented yet.

Do rocks fly? Cause, yeah. If we're gonna just ignore the meanings of words...

Wait, so Irina's not a girls name?

I'm pretty sure that "law" isn't going to last very long anyway. As long as you're driving safely you can have a cougar in the back seat and it's okay.

So nobody's gonna point out how Duke players almost never drive inside... at all?!? Krzwillowitz has them do this ALL THE TIME.

Their most famous "shot" by a "big man" was a turn around free throw for crissakes.

Tom, the point you're trying to make is bad, and you should feel bad.

Go fast. Turn left.

How do you know, you're just some fucking guy?

Which leads me to the important question that nobody seems to be asking: