
Imagine, if you will... a pair of scissors floating through space. Spinning weightlessly, turning, rotating. Then, all of a sudden it hits a solid brick wall, falling onto the floor. What does it look like when it lands?

Now do the same thing with the letter "q". It's floating, spinning, turning, rotating... and

Also, I had no trouble reading that book at all. Although I'm not a huge fan of the book because it doesn't really explain anything about what a person with dyslexia sees, it just shows some clever font-based puzzles that are tricky for everybody to see.

Sorta like saying, "Want to know what people suffering

I found one... it didn't have a roof... and it wasn't a convertible... but they only wanted $1250 for it.

The entire concept of "these are reviewable and those are not" is batshit insane. Either refs are infallible or they're not.

Just sad. Until they censor coaches in the same way they censor schools then the NCAA is fighting a losing battle.

For clarification: I think the school got what they deserve, but I think the coach should have gotten some sort of ban from coaching in the NCAA for X# of years.

I agree, the list of WTF additions to that; flared out rears, blower of questionable purpose, window tint by Krylon, SIDE PIPES?!?, takes that from a what the hell? to a why the hell not?.

1. Control the ball. They can't defend you if they can't take the ball off of your feet.
2. Shoot often and from anywhere, using all sides of the foot and with varying pace.
3. When in doubt, just get something on it and poke it in the right direction.

To be fair... the bolt-ons didn't show up until the porn career ended.
There's a joke in there somewhere... but my hands are busy at the moment.

Seriously though... if GM is so "proud" of their Pontiac line, what's to stop them from offering a bowtie-badged RWD straight drive sedan?.

It was a good shot, but I wouldn't go so far as to say only a "few goalies on earth". I coached soccer for seven years at a 300 student high school that nobody has ever heard of, and I had at least three that could have made that save.

Yup, squidward entered the lane improperly at 0:18 and did the aforementioned brake check at 0:26.

Sorry Tarantola, Alton's correct. If you're using heat you're not dehydrating, you're cooking. And at 200 degrees, you're just wasting your time and losing a good bit of the flavor.

As an ex-college athlete I believe I can say unequivocally... You're a dumbass.

Your comment has been flagged as: an interesting albeit singular data point that seems to miss the scope of the reality, i.e. simplistic as fuck.

As an ex-college athlete I believe I can say unequivocally... You're a dumbass.

Literally, the first 40% of every presentation/conference call at my office is useless. We have a very structured five step process that starts off with the introduction and the identification (of the problem, issue, purpose, etc.). 90% of the time I really don't care who you are, and I already know the issue... I

Whatevs dude. Keeper 101 goes out the window when you've already made 30 saves in a game, 10 of which have been spectacular. Fatigue is a bitch, and it messes with both your mind and your body. Not being able to react to a change in direction would look EXACTLY like what he did there at the end.

To be fair, what I saw was a keeper who played awesomely for a good 85 minutes... and then just got tired. If he was in on the fix, then waiting to the last few minutes to play horribly means he's a) insane, b) has a death wish, or c) all of the above.

Is it bad that I still feel like in some alternate universe that he and Larisa Oleynik are still together?

It's ironic that you dropped the name, because I'm starting to believe that this Elon Musk guy might be the closest thing we have to a Nikola Tesla. I mean, sure, nobody's actually gonna build the hyperloop, but we also never got the Death Ray either.