
Seriously Val, we'd like to see you 'round the office more.

Then I dunno man... why do you say something along the lines of "noted speedrunner, Cosmo" with like a link to his wikipedia page or something.

Yeah, I hate it when people die... and the worst thing you can think of is that it slows down traffic for a bit.

Dude, this is a Mounty. Not the Expendables 2.

Let's hope you have something other than 8' ceilings then.

Coming to a complete stop is a sign of respect. Stop.

exhaust != muffler... The crazy plasticy bumperette things they put on cars these days does a pretty good job of hiding most of the mufflers. Plus, with that fandangled laser guided technology thing they have the mufflers themselves have been getting smaller and smaller. It also doesn't help that the engines have

Just out of morbid curiosity... how many cars did you investigate for this? I can name at least a half dozen vehicles, all of which I've driven in the last six months, that do NOT have the arrows. Everything ranging from Toyota Matrices, to Chevy Silverado/Suburban/Tahoe/Avalanche/whatevers... Heck, the only vehicle

To be fair... he did have storage, under the seats and the beds. I couldn't exactly tell from the gif, but I'd be willing to believe that the one bed that slid sideways would be prevented from moving forward by the nature of the cabinetry immediately below it.

Just out of morbid curiosity... but wouldn't the same macbook pro in a $100k rv be just as much of a guillotine?

Yes... your inability to compute simple math and the real issue is that I use language that sets you all a-tingle.

You know... banks have investment branches too... Christ, my 401(k) is sitting at 12% for the year, and that's a "throw it against the wall and don't ever look at it for 30 years" account. Imagine what someone could do if they were actually paying attention to shit.

With their luck, they're closer to finding 35 million 1 quid strikers.

Just as a heads up... you should go ahead and plan on the market "crashing" every 20 years or so. It's been doing that pretty regularly for the last 100, give or take an election cycle.

Not sure if you're aware of this... but with $4 mil in the bank... collecting roughly 5% (which is very feasible) you'd be earning $200k a year in simple interest.... SIMPLE interest. No need to worry about the $80/160k a year debate... because you'd never be touching the principle.

See also: The Cubs.

I believe the term is "honeypot".

Identity theft issue? People's names AND addresses have been in the phone book for decades. Why is an issue now all of a sudden?

What I was trying to point out was that it's entirely possible that it's JUST the weather vane that's wrong. The sun could actually be rising/setting in the west/east, but the weather vane is pointing in the wrong direction. If that was the case then the sun is correct.

Wait... you guys charge extra to actually secure the cargo you ship?