
So... British Roulette? All the fun and excitement of Russian Roulette but everybody gets a spot of tea afterwards?

My drawers will hold four shirts flat and stack them about five high, so there's a stack of whites, colors, dressy and messy. If I have more than 20 t-shirts then it's time to clean house (or just put them in the closet, whichever you prefer).

If they're real hardwood floors then that's pretty easy to fix with a rentable floor sander. If they're ruining the cheap laminate floor coverings then those should be pretty cheap and easy to replace straight up. Sure, it'll cost you a couple hundred either way, but that's still much better than losing out on your

My four year old is watching the Lion King on Blu Ray on my PS3 right this minute. So even while I'm not using it, it's getting used.

Yeah, but that's like like... your opinion man.

Meh. This one in Winston-Salem NC was sold in the 80's the last time they went through "cutbacks". Now it's used as a rentable banquet hall, and the basement's been converted to a pretty decent bar/live music place/hole in the wall.

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I'm going with Chaotic Neutral on that one then. Evil would be if the end result is bad. And I'm not sure an assassin gets to choose the end result anyway.

Valid != Pertinent.

Yeah, the Otterbox cases aren't 'really' water proof like that. They're water resistant, but only if you also install those annoying screen protector things, and definitely not gonna save your precious device in 3 feet of water.

Windows 8 is just 7 with the Metro interface (which is awful imo) and no start button. At least, that's the only difference I'm seeing with it. Just the same I'm expecting 7 to be the corporate standard for quite some time, just like XP over Vista and 98 over ME.

Obvious, yes. Pertinent? Hardly. If I were to state the laws of thermodynamics that revolve around data transfer would that be pertinent? I mean, we are talking about data transfer, aren't we?

It's not that people don't realize it, it's that they don't care. Much like how Ivory soap really isn't 99.44% pure, or how the word probiotic doesn't actually mean anything. Sure, I get it, we were all up in arms when we first figured out that Paula Deen has the diabeetus too, but we got over it and eventually shut

Christ, you're not still talking about how Grenada was a waste of time and resources? Are you?

I'm not sure what the big deal is. Everybody gets these updates already, they're just sporadic and ad-hoc. Now they're coming on a regularly scheduled pattern, so we can all say something like "Well, it's June again, time to reformat the hdd and upgrade windows." You know, unless you're using an ssd.

Just chiming in to point out that the "if it's free, then you are the product being sold" schtick is getting old.

I avoid using the microwave just because food tastes better when cooked in either my "normal" oven or my toaster oven. Sure, it takes a few minutes longer, but IMHO very much worth it.

You know, this whole fear of "your" data being sold is getting pretty old now.

Temperature is a measure of atmospheric pressure. Gravitational force exerts pressure, which humans experience as temperature.

I think you're missing the point that Panera markets itself as a bakery that just happens to sell lunchmeat stuffed between it's awesome breads. Sure, the soups and salads are great, but have you tried the half salad/half sammich combo, or their famous soup in a loaf of bread? Have you been in one lately? The bakery