
Because you're thinking CONCACAF when this is the Europa League.

So... it's dangerous to do this, except the three or four cops he passed in the video opted not to mention this while he was doing it?!?

I'm guessing you're not counting math or physics as either of those first two languages then, huh? You mentioned 4000k mph as if it were an option that should be taken into consideration... but just bringing it up at all is just plain silly.

Of course, because just a few years ago those Carolina schools accounted for half the conference.

Ha... "have some self respect and do your best to pay it back." Fucking brilliant, and yet wholeheartedly un-empathetic.

Heh, people like ME? Or people like you who, instead of discussion rational options, would rather just cuss people out who disagree with them?

Heh, I'm still laughing at the 4k mph. Someone's never heard of g-force.

Well, this is what 'small government' does for you. If you don't want public money paying for healthcare, then you get private money making those life-altering decisions for ya. The Free Market mentality is that private companies can do this stuff better than the government, and well... this is the end result.

Yeah, I'm not sure how you make those decisions about, quite literally, hundreds of thousands of patients at the same time without drawing some lines. Somebody's bound to be on the wrong side of those lines. At least Watson's guaranteed to use a bit of logic in weighing the options as opposed to some bean counter

I guess it's true.

Did he just call him 'Climpsey'?

Just another person who thinks the way he/she sees the world is the only way it could possibly ever be. It's sad that people like this are not afraid to go out and speak in public any more, safety in numbers and all.

And yet... cars built 20 years ago are still on the road. So at one point in time they made vehicles that would last that long, and those companies are still around today. Your theory is invalid.

Interesting theory, but completely not true. Want proof? Count how many 20+ year old cars that are still on the road today. GM, Ford, even Chrysler are still functioning business enterprises. That's not even counting the upstarts of the 80's; Honda, Toyota and to a lesser extent Nissan. Sure they ebb and flow,

Hey, I'm not knocking it. It's a cool set up you have there, I'm looking at grabbing the same IKEA desk here in the next couple of weeks myself.

Yes, your idea is so great, that's exactly why they're keeping their policies. Oh wait, they've already changed them again. What exactly are you trying to prove, that policies that business aren't using are better than the ones they are? If it's so great an option, I suggest you hit up Kickstarter to get your very

It's ironic that you keep going on about me missing the point, when the point that you're still not getting is that enough people felt it was ridiculous that Instagram actually changed their TOS. A sure sign that your views were held in the minority.

+1 act of light bright terrorism.

I love how a handful of people actually got what you were saying, and the rest were just 'OMG STFU you moran'.