
So it's true?,30616/

You know, between you and that one spam robot that seems to have taken residence here, I've never seen a better reason for a downvote button here.

FYI: Windows 3.x, 95, 98, XP, and Vista were technically not operating systems. They were all 'skins' on top of DOS.

"It was simply more realistic to suggest to people they get two 24" displays instead of try and find a 30" display"

The ferry's between $10 and $15 anyway, so yeah, this isn't too bad.

Well, he does give himself lots of outs by mentioning those manufactured in the last few years, and then dilutes the water further by reducing it just to the physical drive without mentioning the storage capacity.

Just out of morbid curiosity, do you think we should just abandon the concept of teaching our children to use current technology entirely because they might get to like one proprietary format over another?

Hopefully the other replies to his comment will show you what kind of ivory tower you're on there Mister Scott.

I have no problems with them planning their steps accordingly, and making sure they did the right thing.

See if he'll chip in for lunch.

iRetinaMonsterPads it is then. Now I just need to figure out what product that can be the name of.

Public apologies are all the thing these days. Nothing like the threat of a little shame here and there to keep you in line in the future. This is, after all, the EXACT reason that courts are allowed to issue punishments: to function as a deterrent against future bad behavior.

We should form some sort of a club.

That's crazy enough that it just might work.

You know, if the guy didn't know he was there then that's his own fault.

That's because video advertising is still somewhat new. Just today they announced that AdBlock Plus blocks video advertising:

Every time someone credits those damn kidney shaped grilles to BMW, a little part of Pontiac dies.

You know... that extra long HIPAA blurb doesn't need to be in your signature. The company I work for (non-profit, privately funded, multi-state healthcare organization) automatically puts that message and the end of any email that leaves the organization, but not on internal emails.

My 'longest' signature is four lines long. Name, company/department/title info, phone number, and fax number.

Just ask for Gob.