
TFATF7- Electric Boogaloo.

Coming from someone with that username, your comment seems more like you belong on a more religious blog.

Same here. Amazon Prime + the free version of Hulu and I'm not missing anything.

Dude, you pay waaaay too much for coffee. (Seriously, four bucks for a cup of coffee?)

In short: yes. But it really depends on both where you are in Switzerland and what you deem as a 'problem'. Remember, the Mediterranean is just on the other side of those Alps, so it's not like we're talking about the North Pole here.

But if it grown on a tree and is a fruit it must be an orange, right?

Best of all, if he see's the second delorean his mother can tell him it's the same as the first, just that it doubled back from the future to say hi again.

That my friend, is a serious case of inverse logic. You might want to get that checked out.

Just out of curiosity, did I as someone who is neither a Nats fan nor a resident of any neighborhood or bourrough surrounding the stadium, subsidize this stadium?

Yeah, I'm definitely going to go with the real life people are much more fun than the online ones. And I say that as an online one.

I've wondered this for quite a long time, but what's the problem with 'me' being the product? Sure, I get that they're going to add my username, and possibly email to some list and send me spam. My email has filters for that sort of thing.

Heh, talk about complaining to complain. At least I'm complaining about a subject matter that affects literally millions of viewers. You're complaining because you don't understand one guy on the internet.

Would I? Absofreakinlutely.

This one. The court of public opinion is all that really matters here.

... aaaand the fanbois respond.

I like the concept that 'faking' something will be reviewed later on. But are we seriously saying that we think they're still going to get it right more than wrong?

So I work for a group that converts paper medical charts onto electronic systems, and it turns out that most doctors can't type really well either. I'm beginning to think that most of them can't read or write at all, regardless of the format.

He probably also uses that fake calligraphy too.

There are plenty reasons for, and plenty reasons against. It's sorta like Honda versus Toyota in that manner. They're the same appliance that attempts to do it's job in a slightly different way.

Yeah, don't do this with living creatures in the tank. They won't survive.