
OMG are you me? I did the same. I reveled in the weirdness of The Last Unicorn, down to the America soundtrack, but was put off by Fern Gully cause Zack was such a dude bro and Christa (who I loved as a kid cause my name is Krista and duh you love that shit when you're a child, especially when your cartoon boyfriend's

I bet they'd feel like this!!! (I use any chance I get to talk about The Last Unicorn, haha!)

Interesting!! I wonder how many Americans are sleeping with their 5th cousins without knowing about it. I don't even know my second cousins.

huh. "Each and every Icelander that is in a relationship is dating a relative, in most cases those relations are distant." Can't that be said about any of us? Africa being the origin of modern humans and whatnot ... at what point on the family tree is the safe zone? Past 3rd cousins or something?

omg just realized the HOOK foreshadowing wordplay! Man I love AD so much cause I'm constantly realizing intentional and subtle things that I missed the first time 37 times around. Like when Buster sits on the bench in front of the army ad and it spells ARM OFF. Or how when Michael walks into the Korean restaurant,

Ooh yeah! Then the next rumor can be about the feud between Jen and Angelina's armies of babies. We're internet commenters, surely we can earn an "inside source" citation.

LOL :) also, one must remove one's genitalia at the door.


Amen. It's someone's job to try to make advertising not suck as much as our clients would like it to suck. *art director fist bump*

Oh my gosh!! I am so, so, so sorry that you had (and still have) to go through that. :( And another thing they don't understand is that what they see as their innocent catcalling, like "WHAT, it's a compliment! You should be flattered!!", is only one small drop in the bucket of incessant unwanted sexual attention from

That is insanely icky, and the saddest part about it is that SO MANY men feel that same way. When you're 11, 14, 17, you tend to feel older than you are, and while you still register that older men hitting on you is weird, it doesn't quite sink in until you're older and look back on it. At least for me it didn't. I

YES. Now having grown, you realize how absolutely creepy it is. I was followed around multiple times by creepy men when I was 11-15. Eleven. ELEVEN. *shudder* it makes me very nervous to have daughters, that's for sure.

I think everyone here is covering the outrage over the abortion aspect pretty well already. But I would also like to point out that HOLY WHAT THE FUCK, defunding HIV- and STI-prevention programs in high schools just because they're affiliated with PP? That is some. fucking. shit. That's got nothing to do with the

But I did, multiple times, say things like "Personally, for me it was ...", "This isn't the case for all", "Separate from the ones who just wear them cause they're comfy", and "I feel for the portion [of sexy-clothes wearing teenaged girls] that my rant is true about" .... I mean, I said it over and over that I know

This is fucking excellent.

Well it's a damn good thing I specifically said "I know this isn't the case for every single teenaged girl"! But if you're suggesting that it's not the case for any other teenaged girl besides me, then you are sorely mistaken. I am glad you weren't one of them, though. It wasn't easy.

Oh for sure, totally, totally agree. The story in the article is a great example of how NOT to tackle the issue, for all the reasons you listed.

It's disgusting that we teach boys from such an early age that their behavior doesn't matter so long as the girl was "asking for it", i.e. wearing tight pants. That they shouldn't try to control themselves, all the blame is on the girl.

I didn't say it was new, just becoming more prevalent. Perfection is a point that we keep pushing further and further up the podium.