
Sure seems like it to me. Or people at least go through more extreme measures to appear sexually appealing than in the past. Vaginal rejuvenation?

I think that it's fine for a group of people to not be your typical "type", but to make a blanketed public statement like that is close-minded and ignorant. The key word being typical though, because if you outright refuse to date anyone that is of a certain race, that IS racist. That's different from meeting someone

Right? When there are so many VALID things about him to "Not go for". Personally, I don't go for abusers and grown men who encourage teens to write dumb ass nicknames on their asses and post nude photos of such on Twitter.

Right, in most discussions it's all about how women can change to move higher up in the workplace, but almost never why corporate America is the one that should change (which would allow more women to climb up the ladder as just icing on the cake).

You do know that NYC =/= only the upper east side, right? You can sit in a subway car and hear more languages than that. I know you noted "in your personal experience", but you did not have a genuine NYC experience if hearing 3 languages made you think Atlanta was more diverse.

Thank you so much for putting a smile on my face after the depression that set in as I read the article. You are a beacon of hope in a sea of tragic despair.

Oh god, that thought affected me! Is it going to look like hieroglyphics to people in 50 years? Are they going to need special translators when they stumble upon our diaries and records????

I agree with you, but I think most people can't separate the two like you just described. Most people just equate "I hate that Rita is making Dexter less bad ass/fun to watch" with "I fucking hate Rita, kill the bitch!" You know? They can't articulate why more than "She's annoying". And many don't understand that

They do! I have to admit, it is very easy to fall into thinking the wife is annoying for being a roadblock to the male protagonist's drama/violence/whatever you want to call it. In the beginning I disliked Rita as well, for that reason, for being an obstacle standing between Dexter and his ... "hobby". I just think

For that one it's not so much him abusing her or anything, but people really hate on Lori (myself included, honestly) throughout the show. When women try to do what they think is best for their family, they are often seen as annoying, naggy harpies who are "ruining everything" and who we get sick of very quickly,

Based on your username and this comment, I think I love you.

I thought the same exact thing, even rolled my eyes as the article was loading, thinking about how there would be so many readers commenting about how obsessed Jezebel is with J Law hahaha.

Did you guys ever see this article?,,20622701_20643734,00.html

Sometimes he's funny and sometimes he's painfully not, but regardless, he just seems like such a skeeze! He has this smug look all the time, like he's so pleased with himself .... do not like this one bit. I hope I'm wrong, but Amy Poehler is a goddess and if he hurts her I will break his fingers!

Or on the flip end, when they hire you as a graphic design "intern", but have literally no other designers on staff, so you are learn not one thing, negating the entire "experience" aspect of the internship altogether.

Fucking August, man!! Harpy broad.

I especially love when internships won't even cover your transportation (let alone a little lunch stipend). You are literally paying to work.

For what it's worth, you sound way more fun than someone who stocks up on clothing. Let's hang out in old jeans and hoodies and light one up!

Ahh, sewer meth. Known on the streets as Axe.

Oh my god YES!!!! Never has a cartoon food item looked so delectable as that cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeesy hunk of heaven they called pizza in TMNT! I crave that illustrated gooey mess on the daily.