
I assure you, you've made the right decision!

This scary looking?

My fucking god. We give up our lives metaphorically in this country to our work, but even that's not fucking enough.

I loooooved that documentary! I especially loved how the monkey SUCKED compared to the dogs. Awww puppeh faces! I just want to hug every one of them.

Okay. This is getting real old, real fast. Go to your stupid prom with an actual date or your friends like a normal person already! It's just a damn dance!

Man, I wish I had enough houses that I would need to name them in order to keep track.

Cecily Strong and Kate McKinnon are fucking ace, in my humble opinion. And don't get used nearly enough.

What? I thought Kristen Wiig is going to do that ...

I know! I mean, I would like to reiterate that I love the shit out of Veronica Mars. But I do NOT like this precedent it's setting. Why would any other studios after this drop cash when they can just ask their adoring fans to pay for everything and then charge them to see it, with no return on their funders'

Oh come on, it's lovely to hate-watch when they want to move to a different country and are horrified that APARTMENTS LOOK DIFFERENT IN DIFFERENT PLACES and that there aren't 5 extra bedrooms for aaaaaall their family and friends that will constantly be flying internationally to visit them. It's a nice break from just

But the smiley face!

You're not so great at critical thinking, huh. She specifically says she knows there are plenty of selfless people within the church. But I guess you just want to ignore that, just like you are ignoring the fact that Lindy here is not collecting millions of dollars for an institution under the veil of "act in love and

... What are you supposed to do, eat of the pads or tampons?

That's the part I don't get. I really want it to happen, I love Veronica Mars. But I really do feel like this should be enough proof to the studio that way more than enough people are interested for them to freaking front the money their damn selves. Otherwise they're making YOU fund something YOU are going to have to

Are they even allowed to use these tablets without a man in the room?

No! L.A. is no place for a classy lady like Adele and her cute little family!

Animorphs! And remember when they turned it into a show? lol. And Everworld was so good too.

Oh, no!! He isn't. I was being facetious, hahaha sorry!

LOL I just love the description of the potential atrophied wasteland of a cooter partnered with your username. (NOT saying your kitty is rotten, just that it was a funny detail).

Good to know. Think I'll find me an ass man and just keep truckin!