
So true. I often wonder how this era will be perceived 50 years+ from now, since pretty much all quality comedy is laced in satire and sarcasm. Will they get it?!?

He also lets his daughter sell his used cars.

Haha!! You're awesome :)

My god, thank you. I'm so surprised how many people here are reaching to defend this book. Regardless of how poorly it's written, Bella is helpless and naive. At every turn, she needs to be protected and saved, and she makes insanely bad, DANGEROUS decisions. Regardless of how deeply the other commenters are reading

lol I read the first comment and was so confused like "What? Violet wouldn't say that!" but now I see what you were going for, and chuckled at his irony

Ugh I know. He's definitely out of touch with the fact that most New Yorkers do not have the cushy lifestyle he does, and doesn't give a shit about things that affect us plebes. Also, someone needs to remind him that NYC =/= Manhattan Only.

Man I'm with you on the Bloomberg thing (and I too live in Brooklyn). The ban doesn't affect me either, at all, it just makes me hesitant to be totally complacent over it when they can so easily turn around and start placing bans on other things as well. What will he tackle on a whim next week?

Totally. I really can't decide what side I'm on. I mean, I think it's ridiculous that they want to dictate what we can and can't put in our bodies, and fearful because when you give government an inch of power they take a mile. Yet they've been airing these ads here in NYC showing how many packets of sugar go into a

Agreed, being up in arms over things that aren't even true just gives non-feminists more examples of our community being irrational feminazi-types. This article is laughable.

:( I am sending you an e-hug for the days of usual depression.

Oh man this thread is awesome, and now I so want a mashup clip of the masses bowing to T Swift with Kristen Wiig in Bridesmaids freaking out over everyone else feeding into the pomp and circumstance (when she attacks that huge cookie thing).

Ironically, eating a bag of dicks is HOW she takes care of her husband.

I feel you. I never carry cash. Those little cuties gotta keep up with the times and get that card swiper app on their iPhones! haha

Why don't you come up and ... see me sometime!

This isn't a mom issue. I'm a 24 year old non-mom, and have felt those overwhelming pangs of rage regularly for a couple of years now when people are so unnecessarily shitty like that. It's not even geographical; I've felt them here in NYC, expectedly, but also when I lived in Minneapolis, where you expect that

Probably the same people they call "experts" and "medical professionals" in the surgery stories. AKA an intern with a lackluster imagination.

Yes, I loved it! But I watched it with my sister who thought it was really cheesy, hence me assuming other people would find it so. I just got the impression that it's one of those movies I really like but other people would think I'm weird for loving.

hahaha that's awesome. They have em all up on Hulu, and I watch ooooh do I watch, but sometimes just wish some shows from the past were resurrected so I could see what the characters would joke about in the current world. It almost never works out when they do that though. (Cautiously optimistic for Arrested

Oh god and who needs pizza that early?!?!