
Right, I can't help but feel like he'd go around calling women Nips even though that might be far from the truth lol. Can't shake the character association!

oooooo, good tactic! Send someone else to do the dirty work of meeting dates to weed out the liars from the good ones, then swoop in and steal the girl. I like it! :)

This is an interesting issue. I feel like the only way for it to work would be the split consciousness option. Because, if she's just in a man's body and fucking her "other" body (Kim's actual body) without her own brain in that one too, then I suspect it would feel very much like inserting a penis into any given

Ah yeah, I'm sure it wasn't intended ... it just immediately leaves a sour taste in your mouth when you read that a "rushed" tshirt costs about the same as my monthly student loan payment, haha!

Chut up! haha.

Totally. I get wearing heels at work! But when I see women going through the crappy commutes we go through in metro areas, I just can't understand how anyone would choose form over function in this case haha.

Yes. Great idea to advertise how little time you spent on shirts you are charging $320 for.

Sometimes I doubt your commitment to The Bachelorette.

I don't know though. I see plenty of commonfolk wearing those day-to-day. Crazy shit. Especially in NYC, land of subway grates, busted up sidewalk, and mile-long underground staircases. And women in heels like that often stand, in the subway stations, right on the edge of the platform. idk where you live/if you're

Maybe since there's a lot more shoe they're a bit heavier and more prone to weighing down away from your foot? That sucks though, have you tried using one of those Dr Scholls sticky padding things at the back of the shoe? It'll cause the shoe to fit a bit more snugly and may help, and some of them are made of a

I feel the same way, like she is just as funny as Amy Poehler and Kristen Wiig but somehow gets put on the back burner. My cynical self can't help but think that maybe it has something to do with her being less "traditionally" attractive than the others? I personally think she's beautiful but in this sad world where

Oh!! I totally agree, rereading my comment it sounded like I was sympathizing with them. I assure you I wasn't, just hypothesizing on what in their own minds makes them think it's okay and they are somehow pardoned because they see themselves as so educated and above-all. I think they're ridiculous and it's laughable

I know, and hilarious to think that no one could scrounge together something that doesn't look like it came off the David's Bridal clearance rack in 1998 for such a big name star hahaha. I feel bad for the poor dear :(

lol, one of the reasons I shake my head at fashion sometimes. I don't get the "OH GOD THESE TWO WORE SIMILAR DRESSES OMG" (not at all attacking you, just how that's a prevalent comment that makes starlets fear that kind of similarity like the wrath of god!) ... man, it's no big deal guys! I hate how the fashion police

It's reverse discrimination, yo!!!

I kind of think.... okay well I sort of hate the "world of fashion", so this may be just cynical. But I feel like many of these companies/designers/photographers/art directors think they are much more cultured and worldly than the rest of us. With that attitude, maybe they're not intending for these things to be

Same, like eBay "redesigning" their logo lol. I have sympathy when it's a design firm whose creative gets decimated by "suggestions" from the client, but when it's an internal job like this you just have to laugh.

No one helped you! Oh no!! Am I too late? It's not that juicy but they post other ridiculous photos on the page. Poor girl.

BWW gets so much flack that I don't quite understand. Now, in full disclosure I will admit that I do not eat the real wings, I get the boneless ones. May the lord smite me where I sit if I'm lying when I say I could eat those things smothered in Caribbean Jerk or Asian Zing 4 days a week. And an ice cold beer. Oh man

Ooooh see that's pretty interesting. I would say that probably the majority of what the average not-into-fashion person like me sees IS that crappy subsection, so you just kind of assume that's the job. I used to love watching Tyra's tomfoolery on ANTM, but of course that was more for entertainment than an