
I really like this. And there's something about it that emboldens us. I know many feminists are very much against makeup and constant grooming and our concern about appearance. And I totally agree that these things should not be -expected- of us. However, it honestly can be a great way to express oneself. A bright,

That does makes sense, though I guess I don't really see the difference. I definitely can understand being against actresses as models in the way that it reeks endorsement. I truthfully wouldn't be able to spot a good "model" from a bad one though, so I guess it's all the same to me haha

Oh, good answer...

Hey. Heard of football?

I think an interesting aspect of it is, having not been alive during the era, all you hear about is how conservative and stuffy everyone was. Separate marriage beds in sitcoms, that sort of thing. Yet they were pulling the same shit younger generations get ragged on about lol. It's always nice to hear that things

Hmmm. Can I ask why? I'm very much not into fashion, but am genuinely curious what the differences might be if they had gone with a traditional model.

Well sure, in that some people are going to find romantic matches. But that can happen in any situation. Taking the "love" and "chemistry" marketing out of it would make it much less about finding a romantic partner than finding some cool people to hang out with platonically. Less creepy than Craigslist and more

Right? We could organize fun group meet-ups, have localized message boards, maybe some hobby-specific (for many different interests) forums and outings so that it's not as restrictive as joining a club. It'd be so handy for the post-college crowd.

I wanted to do this so bad, but unisex. It's hard to make friends after college, man! I think a friend dating site would really work.

I'd wager, though, that plenty of people who do enjoy cooking (like myself) just find it difficult to find the time to during the week. The way we have been living our lives in this country, we basically live to work. And gone are the days when doctors were the only ones on call. Many of us are expected to stay at

I remember seeing a Jeselnik special a couple of years ago and thinking he was such a douche. And I like me some offensive humor. David Cross and Doug Stanhope are great examples of intelligent and offensive stand-up.

Lisa Lampanelli doesn't care about black puppets.

I promise they are SO GOOD, and it's fairly simple to make. I lovez me some crunch and some spice! They're the perfect side :)

Gay panic! Oh wow! Are you crazy or just delusional? Not one word of your comment checks out, buddy.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but nope you're just an idiot. I offered plenty of evidence to back my assessment that he is dumb, or at the very least can't communicate effectively. I did NOT say he is dumb because he's ripped, and I did not ASSUME he was dumb because he was ripped, before reading what he wrote.

This is awesome. Chalk dust and drama! Don't forget su pantalones rosas!


Again, I read the original. I understood that the woman's comment was about two separate points - the pink thing and the chalk thing. His response is STILL poorly structured, and does not read in the way that it should. He's missing a segue to move from the pink thing to the chalk thing. Note that I did not, in fact,

I'd pay to see that. Give him 120 Reasons to Regret Being a Douche.

I know! It's really sad that we're hard-pressed to find even BASIC BLACK without some pink or purple accent. But no, that's our fault. Our clothing has to match our vaginas, dontchaknow.