WOW! WHAT! You know, that's really a strange, strange thing. When you think about it, whenever they market more traditionally "masculine" things toward women (I'm thinkin like Harley Davidson), they always roll out a pink version. It seems harmless enough but really, it's insulting. If I'm doing a bad ass thing like…
Hahahahahaha I know!! Do you watch Arrested Development? Now I'm just picturing all the womenz decked out in all pink, leaving chalk handprints everywhere like Blue Man Tobias haha.
Thank you for trying, but I'm not buying. I did, in fact, peruse the list. If you did as well, and have no problem with calling such gems as the following "tips", then frankly I'm not concerned about you insinuating I'm an idiot.
"Naomi, I recently trained five women during a particular session. Each of the five women showed up wearing outfits that featured the color pink. This would never happen with men. I can’t begin to tell you how many female clients I have to remind to not clap with regards to chalk – it’s a serious problem.
Gob's not on board.
This made me want to cry, it's so accurate and depressing and unfair :( It's gonna be a whiskey night!
YES. This is the most important thing. So often, people find it really easy to blame the person for choosing an expensive school / taking loans out. But to expect that a high school aged student has the self awareness to look that far ahead into the future and see why there are more practical options, that's a…
Oh man!! I love him, too (well the cartoon work, Jon Benjamin Has a Van was pretty weird lol) and Bob's Burgers is just sooo good. I mean, if you're expecting ATHF it's definitely not going to be that. I'm curious if you liked Home Movies, cause I feel like it's very, very similar to that. I like that they're pretty…
I believe you should try again. HBO pulled a tongue-in-cheek quote from the show and put it on a poster to promote the show, and if you've seen the scene and have half a mind for comedy, you would understand the intent. And it's okay to not understand, there are plenty of other shows for you to watch and enjoy :)
I also feel like, since there does seem to be so much trolling, that many commenters are more quickly on the defensive, since it's gotten just too easy to mistake a legitimate comment for someone just trying to start a fight. It's not really conducive to intelligent rapport, unfortunately. Lots of times I personally…
My god thank you. Whoosh, right over the heads of the masses. Like when people constantly complain that she "thinks she's the voice of her generation", when in actuality she was being self-deprecating via her character. I get that the show isn't for everyone, and that's fine, but most of the complaints about Lena…
Third fun fact, but "The Ashleys" were the Heathers of that cartoon Recess (hugely popular when I was a kid). I don't know if it's on purpose, but if so it's all a bit meta - a new show paying homage to a cartoon that paid homage to your old movie.
Well, yeah, that would break their "NO FATTIES" rule!
Hahaha, and it'd be OTC too.
I know, all I can think is how on a show like Project Runway the designer would get absolutely reamed for trying to pull some shit like that. But if you're established, you don't even have to design clothes anymore! Just send the models down the runway naked with accessories.
Right? I mean, there's something about Mindy Kaling that I can't quite figure out. Like, half the time I feel like she's mocking traditional romcoms which is awesome because women are always painted in a pathetic light in them. But the other half of the time it seems no, she actually subscribes to them. I read her…
I don't think she meant 1 guy ever. She said 1 in 20. Basically, find the good ones.
I know, and it makes you feel so pathetic for letting them have that power, and it just perpetuates their power because all they're looking to do is make you feel like shit ... but there's just nothing you can retort with that would make them hurt in the same way, because society and people en masse have taught us…