
Exactly! And there are also so many issues at play. For instance, there are PLENTY of overweight people who are more than willing to put in the work to drop the weight, but if they are uninsured and have a condition that makes it especially difficult for them to drop pounds, they are basically screwed. Now granted,

The "I'd never fuck you" as "the ultimate insult" from a man to a woman is a huge fucking problem, in my opinion. I feel like so many people's best response to a woman who calls them out / has a differing opinion / SIMPLY EXISTS AS AN INDIVIDUAL is to tell them "You're too ugly/fat/gross/skinny/butterface, I'd never

LOL exactly. I judge people who take cabs SOOO HARD, even though it's admittedly irrational and unfair (maybe they don't live by a subway line or something?) but I just can't help my burning anger lol.

I know, when it's en masse like that it just seems hopeless and makes you feel like YOU'RE the crazy one. We'll just keep goin on with our bad selves :)

You know that show Parenthood? I kind of hate-watch it, but there's a family that adopts an older child and it's really interesting. They show how it's much harder but equally as rewarding, and this circumstance shows up more and more in media it will help normalize it, which could potentially be great and make more

Oh my gosh don't even let them affect you. I mean, that's easy to say and hard to do. The vitriol they spew over there really makes it hard to NOT believe that 97.5% of the population is completely fucking repulsed by basically any woman who has even a semblance of an imperfection. It's just really alarming, I'd

It's not. People seem to find her absolutely repulsive in the appearance department. The way the commentors describe her body over on Gawker is sickening, alarming, and depressing as shit. And they always end the comments with a "cue the Jezebel hordes to come to her defense", as if WE are the crazy ones for thinking

Oh god they just don't get it sometimes hahaha

Just think, in 50 years the language will be such shit that "douchebag" will sound as flowery as "slick, dandified cake eater" lol.

If someone hid a ring in my vegetables, I'd never find it.

Oh gosh, it's a nice gesture but come on! They're just roses! Personally I don't even like roses aesthetically, but they're also so trite. Not to offend anyone who enjoys them or gives them at all, at all, but I just think the whole gushing with appreciation is so overwrought, and reactions and scenes like that make

Temptation Island lmao!!! Save for the bruised ego and crying, that is an EXCELLENT Valentines Day in my book :) They need to bring that awesomely awful show back.

An ASCII vagina! Lindy, be my valentine.

hahaha. I love that uncanny ability to mix people & things together and draw a perfect summation that only comes with being stoned.

Right? And I mean, COME ON!!! Hellooooo. Look at him!

Fuck em! Go on with your bad self.

We all just need a Dr. Love's Love Testometer!

I can't tell if there are shoulder pads but it looks like it and OH GOD NOOOOOOO I hope not.

Not only fat. Gut-wrenchingly, vomit-inducingly fat. Gouge your eyes out fat. So fat that when one watches her show, one becomes physically incapable of seeing ANYTHING past her fatty fat fat fat rolls of fat body. And then they die when she's naked.

I personally loved "it's not an attack on women in general who buy their own food *wait for it* ..... AND EXERCISE" lol wtf?!?! What fucking business is it of his?!