To be fair, I think all Payless shoes are that way, which is why they're $15 lol
To be fair, I think all Payless shoes are that way, which is why they're $15 lol
After that coats/hoods as vaginas expose that Dodai wrote a couple weeks back, I can see nothing but a big white vagina with Lindsay Lohan's face popping out lol.
Yeah man, I find that people that come in from out of town have way more fun here anyway because their funds aren't being drained by trying to live here on the daily.
When the little Twitter bird meets a bee it likes, WHAM a penis appears, but it's gotta trick your highly intellectual vagina into not "shutting all that down".
hahaha! "CRAP WE'RE LATE!" awesome. Slacker boobz.
But that is no where near as fun! (And trust, these things are more delicious)
I've definitely had much better luck getting it done, I think that's partially because when you're trying to wax yourself, you don't have the range of motion, the balance, etc to be able to really hold the skin taught with one hand and then rip with the other. Holding the skin taught REALLY makes a difference, and…
Gah I have the same problem but with my boobs. This is probably one of those things that people who've never had to deal with an obstructed view can't see why it would be hard for others. Not fun!
We have the same taste buds so I'm going to let you in on a little secret to getting that awesome Thin Minty flavaaa when GS cookies are not in season.
lol yet less racist than how I first read it, "This Oily Bean Hunk". Oh man.
Innocent children ha! My slippery slopes are constantly being grabbed at by the little demons. (And they're not even my kids, I might add.) I think the kids are all right with a little nip outline.
Because we can't fucking win. We just can't. Too fat, too skinny, too tall, too short, too tiny-titted, too big-tittied, too pale, too dark, too sexy, too frumpy, too too too too TOO. We're always "too". And we keep letting them tell us that by buying shitty fucking books, watching shitty fucking segments about style,…
Oh my gosh, thank you THANK you. This shame is fucking ridiculous. I'm so angry every time I see that commercial for the bra that has that built-in flower shaped extra nipple coverage. What the fuck? We are mammals. We all have nipples. I mean, as long as we're not walking around with our ta-tas out, what is the BFD?
I just can't get behind the anger this time. They're making it fair game to poke cheeky fun at both females AND males, and while the "always" is a bit ridiculous, I don't think one can argue that keeping oneself fresh will usually lead to more sexytime. Sure, you don't need to buy overpriced towelettes to make your…
That's what I said, I wanted the whole story to start out with Tony and Effie having a huge party, that would bring in those first two casts and then fuck the third, unless they want to turn Franky and Rich back into the characters they fucking started out as.
eeee! Really? That's kind of sad to me, lol. I don't mean that to sound condescending at all, but it is really sad that someone over, say, 20 who read those books didn't see how backwards the message was. I could not see anything BUT "utterly helpless girl falls in love at first sight with bad boy, defines her entire…
ooooo interesting, I hadn't even thought of that. You know, I never want to look down on anyone that eats this shit up and enjoys it. I like celeb gossip in pretty light doses, my mom lives for it. But it really is pretty sickening how obsessed, as a culture, we are with celebrities these days, which in turn makes…
I kind of can't believe all the media attention Kristen Stewart and vamp boy have been getting. Usually tabloids feed off the celebs who dig drama (whether they admit it or not) but K-Stew and R-Patz just seem so boring. And I mean that in a celebrity way, I bet they're fine regular people. She in particular seems…
Me too, and poor Brynn :(! I hope it's all just exaggerated drama and that they actually aren't being this way toward each other.